How To Avoid Prescribed Painkillers Safely?
More than a third of the population suffers from chronic pain, and to alleviate the pain, many consume prescribed painkillers. Other than reducing pain sensitivity, these medications also provide a pleasant pleasure, which some users may begin to crave. You are less prone to face issues if you consume your meds as prescribed by your doctor.
Painkillers, on the other hand, have their own set of risks.
As you may have heard, some individuals get addicted to painkillers or reliant on them. Dizziness, impaired vision, and liver failure are possible side effects and hazards. Painkillers may be fatal if misused. There are a lot of drug addiction treatment or sessions are available over YouTube.
Consequences of Painkiller Prescriptions
Even if you follow the directions religiously, below outcomes can arises
- Allergic reaction:- There are high chances that you are allergic to some chemical in a pain killer that hasn’t occurred before.
- Counterfeit pills:- There has been a rise in the number of online pharmacies selling counterfeit medications. Without your knowledge, your pharmacist may be selling you a counterfeit pill.
- Reaction with other medicines:- Your painkiller may react with other medication currently you are taking. There’s a chance either supplement you are now taking that may cause side effects. It is ALWAYS necessary physician didn’t record all of the medications and supplements you are taking, or you may have missed mentioning a story to highlight your other medications with the doctor.
Top 10 tips to avoid painkiller addiction
To eliminate the pain, doctors usually prescribed painkillers. Because of that pleasant feeling, painkillers can become an addiction to many people. It is mandatory to avoid such an addiction. Follow the below tips to overcome any negative aspect:-
- Be aware of the warning symptoms of painkiller
People concerned about becoming addicted to painkiller drugs should check for indicators of this form of addiction. Addiction symptoms include but are not limited to consulting several physicians to get pain drugs, stealing pain pills from others, and lying to doctors about the extent of one’s painkiller use.
- Find out whether any of the side effects affect you highly
Side effects are possible after you start taking the medication. It’s a good idea to ask your doctor what adverse effects he wants you to report right away. Symptoms like vomiting and dry mouth should be reported as soon as possible, but vomiting should be notified as soon as possible if it persists. If you have never taken painkillers before, be particularly cautious about side effects since your body won’t be acclimated to them. You can always call a local drug rehab center near you in case of emergency or when side effects are uncontrollable.
- Don’t be afraid to use painkillers if you are in pain
These drugs may be used only when the pain is unbearable for those who are worried about addiction. However, they can break down and take more tablets than they should, it is best to take these pills as directed.
- Remember to mention any other drugs you are taking
If your physician issues you a prescription, be sure to let them know about any additional medications or dietary supplements you are currently taking. Please do not depend on your medical records since they may include missing or incorrect information, or your physician may have overlooked it.
- Read the labels
Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are all over-the-counter pain relievers that may be purchased without a prescription. You will be warned about anything from medicine to food interactions to potential long-term harm. If required, read them with the aid of a magnifying lens. If you have been given a brand-new pain reliever to the market, you should familiarize yourself with the crucial procedures to follow before using new medicine.
- Pay attention to what your doctor says
Prescription painkiller addiction may be avoided by following a doctor’s instructions. Doctors write out dosages based on how bad the pain is. When the pain goes away, the doctor will cut back on the dosage and stop giving it at all. Senior doctors have expertise and experience in drug addiction treatment over the years to trust them blindly.
- Never stop taking drugs on your own
It’s never a good idea to discontinue taking an over-the-counter painkiller without seeing your doctor first. The withdrawal process can be unpleasant, but there are ways to make it less painful for your body. Talk to your doctor about how you may wean yourself off of your painkiller if you think it’s time to stop using it.
- Record journal
To better understand your relationship with the medications you are taking, you may want to maintain a diary. If you have been seriously injured in an accident or have gotten a chronic pain ailment, you may need to take painkillers for a while. The best time to begin a medicine diary is right now. Your pain level should be compared to your medication dosages, times of day, and the foods you consume. It’s possible that if issues arise, you will have a better idea of when and why they started. Sharing your diary with your doctor is a good idea, as well.
- Clear all your doubts
Doctors don’t get angry when you ask them questions. Every doubt must be clarified therefore asking questions are essential to your rehabilitation. Help yourself remember by taking notes or asking your doctor to write down any instructions or other relevant information regarding your medicine and/or condition.
- Consider other options
Because of their drug and alcohol abuse history, some people may choose to avoid painkillers completely. Talk to your doctor about alternate possibilities for relieving your pain, or ask your doctor to monitor your usage of these medicines carefully.
The closing words
Even if you are trying to avoid it, it’s possible to overdose on painkillers. It is essential to be honest, whether with your doctor, friends, or addiction specialists, but most importantly, with yourself. Dial our helpline of the inpatient drug rehab center to speak with one of our addiction specialists. As a way to aid as many individuals as possible, we are working to help them recover from addiction and assist them in living a prosperous life.
Author’s Bio:
All American Detox content administration is overseen by John Das. He increases the quality of information by conducting accurate research that is beneficial to sites and plans, always keeping the patient in mind. His goal is to bridge the gap between an internet search and a person’s journey to treatment and long-term recovery. He is a firm believer in the use of person-centered language that encourages hope and dignity. John has a Master’s in Addiction Studies from King’s College London and has worked in the addiction treatment field for over ten years.