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How to Claim Bodily Injury From a Car Accident

    In the aftermath of a car accident, there are many losses and damages that have to be accounted for and depending on the severity of the accident, the cost of those losses could be very high. However, if the accident was not your fault, then you do not have to pay for those losses yourself, instead you can file a claim so that you can get compensated by the insurance company of the party that was responsible for the accident. To start this process you should get in touch with a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can to start getting the whole process started.

    One of the most important and urgent claims that you will need to file is a bodily injury claim; it will allow you to get compensation for the physical injuries that you suffered as a result of the car accident. You may also need to get compensated for any damage to your vehicle since you may need to get it repaired or even replaced. That is why experienced attorneys like personal injury lawyer Grossman, suggest that you contact an attorney as soon as possible after being in a car accident so that they can help you to file the necessary claims.

    How To File a Bodily Injury Claim

    These are the steps you need to take in order to file a bodily injury claim.

    Take Pictures of the Accident Scene

    If possible, you should take pictures of the accident scene, including the damage done to each vehicle and the surrounding area. The pictures can help to establish who was at fault for the accident, which can help to bolster your bodily injury claim.

    Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

    You will need a lawyer to help you file all of the necessary paperwork in a proper and efficient manner. An attorney is also invaluable when it comes to negotiating with the insurance company because they will always try to offer a lower settlement than what you need. Your attorney will make sure that they offer compensation that is fair and that will cover your losses. If they refuse to give you a fair offer, then your attorney will also help you with the ensuing lawsuit against the responsible driver. You can visit this website and learn how having your back by an experienced lawyer can streamline things for you throughout the legal proceedings. 

    Get Medical Treatment

    There are many reasons why you should get medical treatment after a car accident, chief among them being your health and wellbeing. Another reason is that you want all of the injuries that you suffered as a result of the accident to be documented so that you receive the compensation you need to cover all of your medical treatment. If you suffer an injury that was not documented by a medical professional, then the insurance company might try to claim that you received that injury elsewhere in order to reduce or reject your bodily injury claim.

    What If I Was Partially At Fault For The Accident?

    If you live in a state with comparative negligence laws, then you can still file a claim even if you contributed to the accident in some way. You will just end up getting a lower amount of compensation based on your percentage of fault for the accident. If you live in a state with contributory negligence, then you cannot receive compensation no matter how low the percentage of your fault may be.

    Contact an Attorney If You Were Injured in a Car Accident

    You will need to file a bodily injury claim if you were injured in a car accident, and you will need the help of an attorney to file that claim. So be sure to contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as you are able after you have been in a car accident.