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How to Rate Sushi Like a Boss: Expert Tips 

    “Sour rice” is what sushi means in Japanese. A bit of rice vinegar is added when the rice is stirred and left to cool, preferably in an unfinished wooden bowl. This gives the rice its sour taste. Why do you need the rice? Chefs of sushi say it’s the most important thing that determines whether sushi is good or bad. Even though sushi is popular worldwide, many people don’t know much about it or have never learned much about it. Fish and tall tales have always gone together, so it’s no surprise that sushi has its myths, exaggerations, and outright lies. So, here are some suggestions for how to judge it correctly.

    The Simple Tamago, And Sugary Egg Omelette Nigiri, Is One Way To Judge How Good A Sushi Chef Is

    People don’t usually notice it, but great sushi chefs are proud of how well they can make it. This is how the former head chef of Kubo’s decides whether or not something is good. Order one piece or a sushi platter, and when it comes, cut it in half. Do they have air? If there are air bubbles, then he knows that the chef is not very good.

    Don’t Ask What’s “Fresh.”

    Instead, ask what the most popular items are if they aren’t already listed on a separate page of the menu. This is how to get to the rarer or seasonal items. The just-caught fish is the best. It does taste good to eat fresh fish. It’s just amazing.

    At The Sushi Bar, You Can Place Your Order

    This lets you see not only what is being made where (in the kitchen or at the sushi bar) but also how the sushi bar is kept. Is it tidy and put together well? Food should always be cooked perfect. It’s strange how often your sushi comes from the back. This is because restaurants must make food ahead of time when they are busy.

    The First Thing You Do Upon Receiving Nigiri Is To Touch The Rice

    What temperature is it? Is it cold, warm, or the right temperature? Health department rules say that cooked rice needs to be thrown away after four hours. So, sushi rice that was too cold wasn’t thrown away. Not a good idea. It was kept in the fridge overnight. Not room temperature, but body temperature is the best. But it’s better than being cold, even at room temperature.

    Sushi Doesn’t Have To Be Very Pricey To Be Good

    You can be fooled with a high price tag when you will be served sushi in amazing sushi trays. Things shouldn’t be like that. Many best sushi restaurants in the world, charges about $180 for 16-17 pieces of excellent sushi. Taxes and tips can sometimes make “special sushi dinners” in NYC about the same price, but they’re not nearly as good. It all comes down to how much you care about what you do.

    Inquire With The Waitress Or The Sushi Chef About The Origin Of The Rice

    If they answer with “Japan,” you may assume that they are either lying to you or attempting to mislead you somehow. Inquire about viewing the label that is attached to the product. Many restaurant owners, sushi chefs, and even servers are unaware that most sushi rice used in the United States is farmed in California.

    Nigiri Should Not Be Served With Soy Sauce or Wasabi

    When a sushi chef gives you a piece of nigiri, he believes that it is great just the way it is and does not want you to change it. It is impolite to put it in a mixture of soy sauce and wasabi, not to mention that it completely spoils the flavor of the fish as well as the rice. Regarding raw fish, sashimi connoisseurs need to take a deep breath and calm down. It goes well with seafood and is a nice accompaniment.

    The Best Sushi Chefs Cut Nigiri To The Right Size For Each Person.

    As a consequence of this, a lady who is five feet tall won’t receive large chunks of fish, and a guy who is six feet tall won’t get portions that are the size of a lemon wedge.

    Don’t Behave Rudely

    You have no right to be impolite or to use what you’ve learned to look down on other people just because the sushi you ate was subpar or because the individuals who served it didn’t know very much about it. Make a reservation at an excellent restaurant the next time you dine out.