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How To Stay Healthy During Lockdown

    The coronavirus pandemic has put a huge dent in the small-business economy, with many shops closing down due to social distancing and lockdown rules. However, these restrictions don’t prevent us from keeping ourselves healthy, despite the lost opportunity to go to the gym. We’re all about working from home these days – workouts included.

    Staying at home can be challenging, and the lockdown has taken its toll on our physical and mental well-being. To keep ourselves healthy in both aspects, here are some tips to consider. 

    Useful Tips on Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy During Lockdown        

    Create your own home gym

    Sure, you can use water-filled bottles for weights. But if you want a more intense exercise routine, why don’t you build a crossfit home gym? Barbells and dumb bells, squat racks, weight benches, exercise balls and mats are just a few gym essentials that you can replicate at home for that authentic feeling.

    You may also perform lighter exercises, such as walking, biking dancing or swimming.

    Establish a daily routine

    Set up a regular schedule; go to sleep and wake up at the same times daily and engage in activities that keep you occupied during the day. If you’re working from home, don’t forget to take breaks, and don’t be tempted to work too hard. 

    Eat healthy

    Achieving your dream athletic body requires more than just hitting the gym and getting that muscle-fix. It also requires eating the right kinds of food and maintaining a healthy diet. More than nourishing your body, nutritious meals also promote mental well-being.

    Nutritionists recommend plenty of fruits and vegetables, and less sugar and salt. A regular intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals is also important. 

    Magnesium and vitamin B are essential to your mental health, as they regulate mood and behavior. Typically found in green vegetables, B vitamins can help to boost the production of serotonin, a precursor for melatonin – a sleep hormone, and dopamine, which are considered the body’s “happy hormones”.

    Drink plenty of water

    As they say, water is life. Keeping yourself hydrated positively impacts several body processes. It aids in digestion, relieves nasal congestion and constipation, and improves the central nervous system functioning. 

    Women are advised to consume at least 2.3 liters of water daily, while men should take 3.3 liters to maintain proper bodily functions. 

    Sleep soundly

    A good night’s sleep can do wonders for our body, facilitating restorative and growth processes. Besides avoiding inflammation, blood and heart rates from going haywire, high-quality sleep will improve your mood and give you a radiant glow.   

    Regulate social media use

    With the lockdown, there’s just too much going on over the Internet that can impact you. To keep a cool head, try unplugging from your social media accounts for a few hours straight each day; this will help you to feel less anxious and overwhelmed.

    Learn a new skill

    Because of the lockdowns, most people have had the chance to learn new skills. Some success stories even point to former employees who are now earning a good amount of cash after learning to bake and sell online. 

    Explore green spaces

    Nature has a unique way of calming us. When possible, take a walk outside and smell the roses, so to speak. Bask under the sun and take in that vitamin D. 

    If your location is under stricter quarantine rules, start planting ornamental greens or flowers and herbs around your home, and you can achieve the same effect.

    Don’t indulge in bad habits

    Coping mechanisms come in many forms, and vary from one individual to another. For some, it involves indulging in destructive habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction and binge eating. Still, others turn to caffeine to get that same boost. 

    We all know how damaging these bad habits can be, and instead of addressing stress and other mental issues, they will only make matters worse. In dealing with stress and other uncomfortable feelings and situations, it’s best to turn to other relaxation methods, such as yoga. Check these smith machine for more info.

    Try various relaxation techniques

    Meditation and breathing exercises are effective in calming you down. They’re two of the most highly recommended techniques for coping with stress. Meditation helps to slow down our heart and breathing rates, and promotes high-quality shut-eye. 

    For breathing exercises, experts recommend the 4-7-8 technique, which include; inhaling for four seconds, holding your breath for seven seconds, and exhaling for eight seconds. Repeat the steps until you feel calm.

    Be your child’s rock

    Parenting has become doubly challenging with home schooling, and the Internet is rife with stories of desperation and exhaustion from parents taking care of and teaching toddlers. The stress of being a parent and teacher to your child at the same time can be overwhelming. 

    Your children may be looking to you for strength in these trying times. Help to encourage emotional and mental health in your little one by spending time with them, doing fun and relaxing activities such as baking, cooking, coloring, playing music or dancing together.

    Keep an open mind and show your kids that they can turn to you for anything, most especially if they feel scared, sad or confused. 

    Keep in touch with family and friends

    A decade ago, US researchers found out that hearing a mother’s voice over the phone has the same comforting effect as a hug. But more than keeping you warm and fuzzy, a video call to your parents, family members and friends may be all you or the person on the other line needs to tilt your chin up and get through another day happily.

    Know when to seek help

    If you’ve got too much on your plate and it becomes so overwhelming that you feel you can’t go on, recognize this as a sign that you should seek support. This does not necessarily have to come in the form of a medical professional. You can equally reach out to your friends, family or even a trusted neighbor.