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How to Treat Herniated Disc

    A herniated disk can have symptoms like numbness, sciatica, and chronic pain, reducing the quality of life. You can restore your mobility and function by relieving herniated disc pain with the help of a doctor. An Atlanta herniated disc should not worry you as there are experts next door to help you. The professionals use therapies to ensure that you recover from the condition. During your visit, you can learn the causes, symptoms, and treatment of herniated discs. Here is all you should know about herniated discs.

    What is a Herniated Disc?

    Soft tissues in between the vertebrae of the spine make up spinal discs. Herniated discs occur when an injury causes the inner part to protrude through the outer ring, which can cause discomfort. A herniated disc can be treated through surgery to repair or remove the slipped disc.

    Causes of Herniated Disc

    A herniated disc results from age; when you get old, the amount of water in the discs reduces, increasing the chances of wear and tear. The chances of wearing, twisting, and of the discs then increase when you get older. Other factors can include spinal injuries, improper lifting, repetitive strenuous activities, and genetics.

    Symptoms of Herniated Disc

    You can experience symptoms like tingling or numbness in your shoulder that may go to your fingers or down to your legs. Pain that worsens when walking, standing, or at night and is triggered by certain body movements. The pain is usually burning or sharp, making it difficult for fine movement skills. You can also lose coordination and balance, leading to awkward walking. When you experience such symptoms, you need to talk to a doctor who will diagnose you with a herniated disc.


    You will discuss your symptoms with your doctor then a physical examination of your body to check the source of your pain. Submitting your medical history is essential so that the physician can trace the cause of your pain. X-rays and CT scans will help your doctor identify the damaged area by viewing the muscles and bones of your spine. Your doctor will use the findings on your diagnosis to recommend the best treatment plan.


    Your doctor can recommend physical therapy that can improve the symptoms that you are feeling. Therapy can include massage, stretching that helps keep your muscles flexible, ultrasound therapy, and some aerobic exercises. It would be best if you only did physical therapy that your doctor would recommend.

    Over-counter medicines can also help you reduce pain and swelling. If the pain does not disappear, the doctor will recommend narcotics to relieve pain and muscle relaxers to treat muscle spasms. Surgery is not a regular form of treatment, but your doctor can recommend it if your symptoms do not improve after trying all other forms of treatment or having trouble walking and standing.

    However, you can prevent herniated discs from occurring by maintaining a healthy weight that does not pressure your discs and spine. Maintaining a good posture also reduces pressure on the spines and avoid lifting heavy objects. Regular exercises also help ease the muscles that support your spine.

    A herniated disk can make life difficult but knowing the prevention measures can help you avoid the condition. Discussing your symptoms with your specialist before starting any treatment is important. If you are struggling with your symptoms, then you can consult with your physician.