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Is Semi Independent Living Right for Your Parent?

    As our parents get older, they require more help than many children can provide. They’re healthy and independent, but just need a little extra help with day to day life or minor health issues. It’s for people like this that semi independent living services (SILS) were created.

    These are not nursing homes and they are not independent living facilities, but something in between. If you have a parent that needs a little more help than you can provide, then consider placing them in the SILS facility.

    It can provide them a higher quality of life and independence that they may not have in their own homes.

    Can Your Parent Take Care of Themselves?

    The elderly value their independence because they’ve had it for most of their life. As they get older, their bodies and health make it difficult to do everyday things. It may not be health-related such as requiring medical supervision but getting dressed or making breakfast.

    They can still take care of themselves easily for the most part, but some aspects of life have become harder. You can be with them 24 hours a day and seven days a week. You love them, but you have your own life and responsibilities.

    If this is a familiar situation, then your parents might do well in semi-independent care.

    Semi Independent Living Provides Better Quality of Life

    Are your parents missing out on aspects of life because they can’t get out like they used to? Perhaps they can no longer drive and miss out on the little beauties of life such as visiting the hair salon or meeting friends in the community.

    Semi-independent facilities have assisted living levels of care. No matter how much, how little or what kind of assistance your parent needs, the facility takes care of them and provides them outlets for activity.

    They don’t even have to leave the facility. We bring everything they need to them. There are excursions out of the facility for shopping and other fun activities. They have everything they need for a happy and exciting life in their golden years.

    There are Choices Galore

    We value your parent’s independence and we only provide help with what they need. One of the biggest problems the elderly have is a limited diet because of the ability to get out of the home and go shopping or they have difficulty cooking.

    These facilities provide your parents with several different choices for food every day. We try to provide choices for a variety of tastes and recommendations are always welcome.

    The choice is always your parents. They have the right to enjoy their golden years even when some tasks become to difficult for them to do at home.’

    Take Care of Your Family

    Semi independent facilities are not nursing homes. No one has severe health issues that require around the clock care. We just provide a little help here and there where they need it and give them the opportunity to live a healthy and full life.

    For more information on these facilities, please explore our site.