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Keeping Your Joints in Shape: The Top Tips for Healthy Joints

    There are enough stresses in the day without adding aching joints to the mix. There are things you can do to promote healthy joints and feel at your best.

    Keep reading for the top tips for healthy joints.

    1. Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated

    There are many proactive steps you can take to help your bone and joint health. Some of your nutritional choices can have a big impact on your overall health and affect your joints.

    Some healthy choices you can make:

    Make Sure You Get Your Vitamins

    Some vitamins are especially good for your joint health. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, and folic acid are just some of the nutrients you need to stay at your optimal health.

    Eating a well balanced, healthy diet will help promote good joint health and keep the rest of your body performing at its best.

    Healthy Weight

    If you are overweight, then losing weight, even just 10 lbs, can reduce your risk of developing osteoarthritis and other conditions affecting your bones and joints. 

    If you are underweight, try to work up to a healthy weight. Losing too much weight can cause serious bone loss and other health complications just as severe as being overweight.

    Add Color

    One easy way to try to eat healthier is to add more color to your diet. Fruits and vegetables will help you feel and be healthier.

    Eat More Fish

    Cold-water fish such as Salmon and Mackerel are great choices for Omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining healthy joints. Adding these and other fish to your diet, while cutting back on red meats will help lower your cholesterol and contribute to healthier joints, heart, and bones.

    Omega-3 fatty acids have many health benefits and are worth making a conscious effort to add more to your meal plan.

    Stay Hydrated

    Even a small percentage of dehydration can lead to muscle cramps, lack of concentration, mood swings, lethargy, and more. Severe dehydration can eventually cause death. 

    Joints need moisture to be able to move freely without grinding or injury. If you become dehydrated, your body can’t produce and maintain the moisture it needs to keep you moving without pain.

    2. Keep Active

    Staying active will help to stretch and exercise your muscles, joints, and help keep your entire body healthy. Many people need some help from healthcare professionals to be able to do this. 

    Exercise helps keep your joints fit by improving circulation, directing nutrients to your joints, and cellular waste is taken away. There are even genes that repair your joints that are activated when you are active.

    Exercising to build muscle and strengthen your core will help your joints stay strong and healthy by giving them the support they need to work properly without straining because of surrounding weakness.

    Those who already have difficulty with their joints may need a personalized care plan, including treatments like physiotherapy, stem cell therapy, or another rejuvenation therapy to help return joints to a healthy state.

    You can read more here about these options. Include your trusted healthcare professional in any decisions you make to start a new exercise program or medical treatment.

    3. Proper Ergonomics

    Another important factor in joint health is how ergonomically correct your workspace is. If you spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer, at a desk, or in a position that is not comfortable, you can do damage to your joints or cause discomfort.

    Proper ergonomics help reduce injuries or conditions associated with bad posture, repetitive tasks, and overuse of muscles.

    Adjusting workstations to the proper height for an individual, offering ergonomically designed computers, keyboards, desks, and work environments are important for reducing stress and strain on your joints, bones, and muscles.

    4. Sit and Stand, but Get Rid of Heels

    Staying in one position for long periods of time can be damaging to muscles, joints, and be harmful to circulation. Whether you are standing or sitting for most of your workday, it is important that you take breaks and move around.

    It is wise to choose comfort and health over style when it comes to footwear. High heels and other shoes that offer little or no support while placing strain on your muscles can do more damage than you realize.

    Back pain, increased risk of injury, weakened muscles strength in legs and back can all be a result of wearing heels, wedges, flats, and other non-supportive footwear. If you want to do your joints a favor, you’ll avoid wearing high heel shoes and stick to footwear that will provide support throughout the day.

    5. Reduce Stress With Self-Care

    Your mental health and stress level can affect your joints. In fact, anxiety and depression can be contributing factors to joint pain and discomfort. Increased stress can lead to tightening of muscles and joints that can cause pain and further injury or strain.

    It’s important that you consciously and actively promote self-care.

    Some beneficial self-care activities that will help you have healthy joints include:

    • Take a hot bath with Epson salts
    • Get a massage
    • Meditation
    • Yoga
    • Relax with a book
    • Journalling
    • Physical activity
    • Counseling
    • Time with loved ones
    • Take up a hobby
    • Art or Music

    Any activity that helps you unwind and relieve stress will be good for your overall health. You can reduce your risk of heart attacks and strokes, diabetes, mental illness, high blood pressure, and many other serious medical conditions by making self-care a priority in your life. 

    Healthy Joints Are in Reach

    You can take control and promote healthy joints by making healthy choices each day. If you eat a healthy diet, get proper exercise, rest, and nutrition, you can feel and perform at your best.

    Don’t forget to bookmark our page for easy access to all the latest health information to help you live your best life.