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Learn How Chemical Peels Can Give You a Youthful Facial Appearance

    Collagen production in your body declines as you advance in age. As a result, unsightly wrinkles may appear on the forehead and frown lines between the eyebrows, making you look angry or too serious. In addition, skin relaxation may cause the eyebrows to droop, hooding your upper eyelids and giving you a tired look. If you are bothered by these aging signs, Brooklyn peels may be suitable for you. The good news is that this is a non-surgical procedure that can still offer dramatic results depending on the type of peel you opt for. With your upper skin layer removed, you can obtain the radiant, even skin you have always desired.

    What is a chemical peel?

    A chemical peel, otherwise known as derma peeling or chemexfoliation, is a cosmetic procedure. A chemical solution is applied to your skin’s surface to reveal smoother and younger-looking skin. The chemicals may include lactic acid, salicylic acid, trichloroacetic, carbolic acid, or phenol. These acids penetrate different skin depths, causing controlled injury and peeling of your skin’s top layer. This allows new, brighter skin, has an even tone, and fewer fine lines and wrinkles to grow back. Different facial flaws that may improve with a chemical peel include:

    ·         Fine lines

    ·         Wrinkles

    ·         Mild scarring

    ·         Dull complexion

    ·         Sunspots

    ·         Certain types of acne

    Chemical peels can be used solely or combined with other cosmetic procedures.

    How are chemical peels classified?

    Depending on the acid used, chemical peels are classified as follows:

    ·         A light chemical peel

    A light or superficial chemical peel is done in series and involves removing your skin’s outer layer (epidermis). It is used for people with acne, fine wrinkling, dryness, and uneven skin tone. This choice offers subtle improvements as time progresses. Most patients require multiple treatment sessions after every two to five weeks to achieve desired results. Recovery ranges from hours to a few days with no downtime needed.

    ·         Medium chemical peel

     A medium chemical peel removes both your epidermis and parts of the upper part of the dermis (middle skin layer). It is recommended if you want a smooth, refreshed look but has fine to moderate wrinkles, age spots, skin discoloration, and acne scarring. Just like a light chemical peel, most patients require subsequent treatment to achieve desired results. Downtime is needed, and healing may last for a week or more.

    ·         Deep chemical peel

    This type of chemical peel offers dramatic results as the chemical penetrates the lower middle layer of your skin. Patients with deeper wrinkles, extensive sun damage, deep acne scars, and precancerous growths may benefit from a deep chemical peel. Unlike light and medium chemical peel, this type is done once and requires significant downtime. If your specialist recommends this type of peel, you may need eight weeks of pretreatment before the actual procedure.

    The choice of the chemical your dermatologist uses depends on what issues you are addressing with the procedure. Solutions are used to penetrate your skin in varying depths.  Your specialist will recommend the type of peel that suits you, depending on your skin’s condition.

    If you want to learn whether you are a good candidate for a chemical peel, consult with your dermatologist at Heights Aesthetic Laser Center.