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Leg Swelling – When To Consult a Doctor?

    Leg swelling is quite common, and there are various reasons you can have pain and swelling in your legs. However, it can be a symptom of any underlying disease that can be prevented by taking proper measures on time.

    One of the most familiar reasons can be edema which indicates fluid build-up in the organs of your body that are not working correctly.

    Several New York leg pain & swelling consultants are available for you that can determine the cause for your swelling and help you with the appropriate consultancy according to your medical necessity.

    Various home remedies can help reduce the swelling; however, these remedies are not always helpful, and you must get this under your doctor’s attention before it is too late. 

    When to consult a doctor?

    When you experience the following severe symptoms along with leg swelling, make sure that you call 911 services or book an appointment with your specialists as early as possible.

    • Chest pain
    • Difficulty in breathing 
    • Blood while coughing 
    • Dizziness

    Other symptoms may not appear so bad however you must still schedule an appointment with your family practitioner or consult an ER.

    • When you have a history of medical injury
    • Swelling that appears with blisters or rashes
    • When you have had previous kidney-related problems
    • Fever
    • Pregnancy

    How to determine that you need a doctor?

    If you are dealing with similar situations mentioned below, you must seek immediate care without delaying it any further.

    1. You are having difficulty walking.
    2. You can hear a sound in your knee while doing any movement or sitting down.
    3. You have experienced a cut near the swollen area in the past few days.
    4. Your pain is worse than the day before.
    5. You notice that the pain increases after sitting for too long.

    Common reasons behind leg swelling:

    As mentioned above, edema is the most prevalent cause of a swollen leg. However, there may also be severe reasons like heart failure, liver disease, lymphedema, reaction to a particular medicine, hormonal changes, infection in the leg, or not-so-serious reasons like a regular sprain, inflammation, or an old wound.

    Self-care advice:

    Make sure you stay off your leg as much as possible and apply some ice to the affected area. Reduce consumption of salt in your diet. Avoid using heat compression, have magnesium-rich food, and avoid wearing tight clothes around the swollen area. Elevate your leg whenever you sit down to have proper blood circulation, and you might also take a temporary painkiller before it’s time for your scheduled appointment. 

    It is vital to analyze the reason behind your swelling as soon as possible and take preventive measures as suggested by your doctor.