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Looking After Your Mental Health While Working From Home

    Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular option for adults. After all, who could pass up the opportunity to be able to work on something they’re passionate about while also being provided conveniences like more freedom and flexibility? Though there are certain perks to having a remote or virtual career, there are certain aspects that most aren’t prepared for.


    As you experience the life of a remote worker you’ll come to learn that it can result in a plethora of emotions that are different from when you worked a traditional job. Below is a look at some of those emotions and circumstances along with suggestions on how to get through. 


    Chronic Stress


    Being self-employed essentially means that you handle all the work yourself (at least in the beginning stages). You’re responsible for everything from making phone calls and checking emails to balancing budgets and developing marketing campaigns. The workload is often larger than what you’d be used to in an environment where you had co-workers to help you reach your common goal. This increase in work day in and day out can lead to chronic stress and even burnout. 


    To say that you can eliminate all the stress of working from home would be insane. However, there are ways to reduce your stress levels. You can set up systems and utilize online tools and applications to streamline processes. For example, if you’re having trouble managing your social media accounts you might find a social media manager application where you can merge all accounts and schedule posts weeks in advance. It may also be necessary for you to hire help. If you’re not ready for full-time employees, consider outsourcing tasks to freelancers. This way, you’re hiring their services on an as-needed basis. 




    The first few weeks or months of working for yourself are great. There’s no one around to annoy you, tell you what to do, conflict with you, or otherwise. The peace and quiet might even feel great after being in an office space for years. Yet, after a while, loneliness begins to set in. There’s no one to talk to during the day and no one to relate to what you’re going through. You might start displaying symptoms including increased periods of sadness, feeling lost or hopeless, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, and lack of concentration. Some, even try masking these symptoms by abusing substances – which actually makes matters worse. 


    First and foremost. If you’re working from home and are suffering from depression it is imperative that you get help. Talk with a therapist about your problems and, if necessary, enroll in alcohol and drug rehab outpatient in Seattle or near your residence. 


    To try and prevent the above-mentioned symptoms of depression it is imperative to maintain a social life. Join a work from home organization or support group and link up with other entrepreneurs in the area. Schedule lunch dates and appointments with friends or relatives. You can also try finding balance in your personal life by joining a new class like dance or yoga where you can connect with others. 


    Low Self-Esteem


    You’d think that having the guts to ditch the regular job and work for yourself would be a confidence booster – but not for long. In a traditional job setting, you are given objectives and goals and are often rewarded upon completion. Whether it’s an announcement in a meeting, a bonus, commission, or a promotion, there’s someone there to reward you for the hard work you’ve accomplished. When you work alone, however, it’s not as black and white. As the business fluctuates in levels of success so too does your self-esteem. 


    To sustain high self-esteem start developing your own goals. Just make sure that they are actually obtainable goals. Breaking down larger ideas into smaller ones can make them a lot easier to accomplish. As you meet these goals, reward yourself in some way. If you increased sales over the past 6 months, give yourself a raise. Maybe you hit 100,000 followers on social media? Celebrate with a nice dinner and even shout it out to the world! A nice post thanking others for their support and displaying your accomplishments can really make you feel better about yourself. 


    There’s no doubt about it. Working from home does have its advantages. You get to be the boss, set your own hours, work with who you want, choose assignments you’re passionate about, and earn a decent living. Just as with any career path you should take, however, being self-employed does have some setbacks. One of the biggest – maintaining your mental health. To reduce the likelihood of you becoming chronically stressed, depressed, or having your self-esteem lowered, set a plan in motion using the advice provided above. Though things can still get out of hand at times, getting by will be a lot easier.