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Mesotherapy: Why It’s Good for Your Pigmentation

    You may have heard of mesotherapy, it is one of the newest ‘in’ cosmetic treatments, many celebrities are getting this innovative treatment.


    There have been lots of articles about mesotherapy in newspapers and magazines, and you’re bound to see someone on social media who is having this cosmetic treatment.


    But, what is mesotherapy, what does it do, and does it help skin pigmentation? 


    Let’s have a look, and answer these questions.


    What Is Mesotherapy?

    Mesotherapy was first invented by a French doctor, Dr Michel Pistor, and his original intention was for it to be used to relieve chronic pain.


    Since then however, it has moved more into the cosmetic industry, and is used almost exclusively for this purpose, instead of the pain relieving effects that it was originally intended for.


    Mesotherapy uses many tiny needles to inject compounds into the mesoderm layer of the skin – hence the name mesotherapy. Depending on what area is being treated, and what results are hoping to be achieved.


    How Does Mesotherapy Work?

    Mesotherapy uses many very fine needles to inject different substances into the skin.


    For example, if the treatment is aiming to make an area of the skin have less obvious wrinkles and fine lines, then hyaluronic acid may be added to the infusion, as it’s known for its skin plumping properties.


    On average, around forty to fifty different ingredients are included in each treatment, and these will be targeted to the areas being treated. It’s common to include different vitamins and minerals within the treatment, as well as substances like hyaluronic acid, and sometimes pharmaceutical drugs if needed, and they have been prescribed by a doctor.


    Sometimes, mesotherapy will be performed alongside other procedures, such as botox, to get that wrinkle free look many people aspire to. 


    What Is Mesotherapy Used For?

    Mesotherapy is used for a whole range of cosmetic issues, such as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and generally giving the skin a more, plump, glowing, youthful look.


    It is also used for fat reduction in many areas, such as the stomach, thighs and upper arms, and it can help to tighten loose skin that may have occurred due to weight loss.


    Some people use mesotherapy to aid hair regrowth on the scalp when they suffer from alopecia. The many needles stimulate blood flow to the area, which can help with hair regrowth, as well as any compounds that are inserted into the skin.


    Mesotherapy can also be used to give the skin a more even appearance, and reduce pigmentation and acne scars.


    Mesotherapy For Skin Pigmentation

    Mesotherapy is often used to even the skin tone and reduce pigmentation and acne scars.


    Your aesthetician will be able to formulate a cocktail of ingredients to help with pigmentation due to acne scarring, or sun exposure for example.


    The ingredients will target the specific area of pigmentation, and with repeated treatments can help to fade the pigmentation.


    For those who suffer with severe acne, mesotherapy can sometimes help, especially if the skin has divots in, certain combinations, such as those containing hyaluronic acid can help to plump the area, and reduce the appearance of them.


    How Do The Appointments Work?

    Before going for an appointment, you will need to have a thorough consultation with the doctor administering the mesotherapy.


    Your doctor will be able to assess your needs, and let you know what they can achieve, and help you to set your expectations.


    The appointment itself takes around an hour, as you will first have a local anaesthetic, or numbing, cream applied to the area first, to help minimise any discomfort.


    The mesotherapy takes between twenty to forty minutes depending on the exact area being treated.


    Once the procedure is complete, you will be able to go around your normal day, there is no recovery time needed as it is minimally invasive and non surgical which is what makes this procedure so popular. It can easily be fitted into a daily routine, and even done during a lunch break from work.


    How Many Appointments Are Needed?

    Mesotherapy is generally not just a one off appointment. Depending on the area being treated, and the results that are wanted to be achieved, between three and fifteen appointments may be needed.


    Usually, a course of treatments starts with one appointment a week, and after a certain amount, these may change to a lesser frequency, for example, once a month or bi-monthly.


    The price of mesotherapy varies depending on the area being treated, and the location of the clinic.


    You can expect to pay between $200 to $600 per session. It is always best to ask your doctor how many sessions they will recommend, as it can quickly become very expensive.


    Are There Any Risks?

    Mesotherapy is considered a very safe procedure due to its minimally invasive and non-surgical nature.


    However, as with everything, there are some side effects and risks to be aware of.


    The most common ones that have been reported are pain, redness, swelling and bruising at the treatment site. Nausea has also been noted as a side effect, as well as itching, and some bumps at the injection site.


    With any breaking of the skin barrier, there is always the risk of infection, and mesotherapy is no different.


    Your doctor should go through all the potential risks with you, and you should be fully aware of what is achievable and what could potentially go wrong.


    Last Words

    If you are considering mesotherapy, make sure to properly do your research first, and know exactly what you want.


    Ensure the clinic you go to is licensed and hygienic, and that the doctor carrying out the procedure is registered and experienced.


    If you are at all concerned, discuss these with your doctor beforehand, and they can talk them through with you.


    Remember that mesotherapy is a course of treatments, and it may take some time for results to be seen, so you may need to wait before assessing if the treatments are working for you.