Most people relate anxiety and depression with emotions. Unfortunately, a depressive mood affects not only your mood but also your physical being. Body stiffness, aches, and joint pains are common with depression. Unfortunately, most people ignore the physical symptoms and consider them natural aging signs. Additionally, your doctor might find it hard to determine a specific condition during diagnosis if you only have the physical symptoms. Do you need help with your depressive mood? Come to Plano The Riegel Center and get in touch with a hormone specialist who will help restore your happiness.
How do you tell if you are depressed?
Depression affects people differently. As a result, depressed individuals have varying symptoms. You might suspect signs of depression when you experience lasting feelings of hopelessness or unhappiness to losing interest in the activities you once treasured. Since the symptoms range from mild to severe, depression at its mildest will make you feel low persistently. On the other hand, a depressive mood at its worst may result in suicidal thoughts, making you feel worthless. Stressful feelings, anxiety, and low mood may also be expected, especially during your difficult moments.
What are the physical effects of depression?
Besides being a brain disorder likely to result in emotional anguish, your brain function changes may significantly affect your body. Besides your mood, some of the physical symptoms you are likely to have with depression include chronic fatigue, pain and aches, and decreased sexual desire. The other effects you might have are:
o Sleep disturbance
You need sleep to function correctly. Unfortunately, depression interferes with your sleeping habits, causing health consequences like:
· Metabolic changes
· Impaired immune system
· An increase in blood pressure
Insomnia also significantly affects your mood and cognitive performance, thus lowering your life quality and increasing your suicidal thoughts. Besides insomnia, you may also experience hypersomnia or oversleeping. Depression may cause you to sleep for extensive hours, forcing you to miss important appointments and still feel like you need to sleep more.
o Eating habits
Depression might significantly contribute to how you choose to consume food. You might develop the tendency to overeat, especially junk food. You may also develop unhealthy eating habits like eating rapidly, excessive consumption even when you are not hungry, and eating until you are too full. Overeating because of depression is risky because it increases your likelihood of obesity and other health effects like cardiovascular issues linked to obesity. On the other hand, loss of appetite might result in dramatic weight loss or malnutrition.
What illnesses are you likely to have with depression?
Besides the physical effects, depression might also affect your immune system, making it hard for you to fight infections. Additionally, the lack of sleep you may have with depression will worsen your existing ailments, resulting in a vicious cycle that might be challenging to break without intervention. Chronic ailments that might coexist with depression include:
· Autoimmune diseases
· Diabetes
· Heart attack
· Stroke
· Parkinson’s disease
· Coronary artery disease
· Kidney disease
· Arthritis
Do not let severe depression affect your mobility when you can seek professional help. Consult your physician to get help on how to deal with depression.