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Sex and Covid 

    Even though it might feel like forever, the world has been living with COVID-19 for over two and a half years. While we’re all aware of COVID and how it has affected our lives, people still have questions about COVID and we are still learning more about the disease and its effects. In this article we will explore one of those areas: sex and COVID-19. 

    To start with, COVID-19 is a highly infectious respiratory disease. It is spread through droplets and aerosols that people release while talking, coughing, sneezing or even breathing. So, you might asking yourself, can I get COVID from sex? While COVID is not considered a sexually transimitted disease, it can still be spread from intercourse. Sex often times involves kissing or oral stimulation, where saliva and droplets can be shared. Also, sex is an aerobic workout with partners often times experiencing elevated heart rates and breathing during sex. All this combines to allow COVID to pass easily between partners. 

    What about sex if both partners are testing negative? If both partners have tested negative, then the chance of transmission via sex is significantly decreased. However, it should be noted, it is not zero. COVID tests are a valuable tool in fighting the pandemic but are not perfect. A partner could have tested negative and then been exposed after the test. Or a partner could’ve had a false negative. Also, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is probably the best way to ensure both partners are safe

    I’ve already had COVID, can I have sex again? This is where things get tricky, because you still may be contagious for a little while after recovering from COVID. The Center for Disease Control is constantly updating their quarantine guidelines. Check those to see if it is safe for you to leave isolation. 

    What is sex like after COVID? This is a personal question and will vary from person to person. Many people will not experience a major change in their sexual performance once they are fully recovered from COVID. However, it should be noted, many people report a lower stamina and more labored breathing after they have recovered from COVID. Sometimes people will report they find going for a walk to be more taxing than it was before COVID. Like we said above, sex is a form of exercise so it stands to reason that many people may find sex more exhausting after COVID than it was before infection. If this is the case, try taking things slower, focus more on your breathing. If you find it helpful, you may want to try using a personal lubricant or a vaginal dilator to ease with insertion and make sex easier. For many people these effects are temporary and will fade with time. 

    So, in summary, while you can still contract COVID via sex, there are ways to limit your risks and ways to have sex again after COVID.

    Author bio- Jane Silverstein is the owner of Soul Source Therapeutic Devices located in Los Angeles. She is committed to women’s health issues and to helping women worldwide regain and/ or maintain their sexual health. She is passionate about helping others and has always been involved in a multitude of charitable causes.