Everyone knows to see their eye doctor for regular eye exams at least once in two years. However, there are instances when you may need to schedule your appointments more often. If you have any eye problems, it would be wise to see an optometrist as soon as possible. Here are a few instances when you need to consult an optometrist like Swati Kumar OD, FAAO, as soon as possible.
- Double Vision
You may get double vision, also known as diplopia, in one or both of your eyes. When it occurs in one eye, it is known as monocular double vision and results from keratoconus, astigmatism, or dry eye. You may also get double vision following abnormalities in your retina, cornea, brain, nerves, or lens. Seek medical attention as soon as possible to establish the cause of the problem and have it treated.
- Foreign Objects
You may have to see an optometrist if foreign items get into your eye. These may include chemicals, grit, or large objects. If small pieces of debris or chemicals get into your eyes, the first step should be to flush your eyes with clean water for a minimum of 15 minutes. In most cases, this should remove the debris or chemicals from your eyes and prevent damage.
If a large object is stuck in your eye and you cannot remove it by flushing, don’t try to use tweezers or your fingers. Avoid rubbing your eyes as it could worsen the damage. Instead, book an emergency appointment with your optometrist.
- Unexplained Eye Fatigue
Some eye fatigue is normal for most people. After all, we spend a lot of time looking at screens. The flu and seasonal allergies may cause eye fatigue too. If, however, you seem to experience eye fatigue for no explainable reason, you may need to consult your optometrist. If you are abiding by the 20/20/20 rule and still getting tired eyes, it may signify more complex problems.
- Eye Pain
If you have mild and infrequent eye pain, it is no reason to be alarmed. If, however, it is an intense pain, you need to book an appointment with your optometrist as soon as possible. You must also get help if you have frequent causes of eye pain. It may be an indicator of underlying issues and is often an indicator of eye infection.
- Trouble Focusing/Blurry Vision
If you have blurry vision or suddenly have difficulty focusing, discuss the issue with your eye doctor as soon as possible. Book your regular exam soon if it is limited to one eye or the blurriness that comes and goes. While it may only be a sign that your eyes are changing, it could also be an indicator of more significant problems.
Your eyes play a significant role in your daily life, and they need constant care. If you suspect that you may have any eye health concerns, discuss them with your optometrist. What seems like a minor problem could turn out to be something serious.