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Six Major Causes of Migraine You Should Never Ignore

    Millions of people suffer from migraines each day and suffer the ongoing effects they cause, dampening our day. If you are a migraine sufferer, there are several things you can do to reduce symptoms that could potentially be dangerous. Some symptoms could be a result of underlying health conditions. Some migraine symptoms require emergency treatment, while others may only require a simple treatment for relief. Identifying migraines with dangerous symptoms are extremely important as it can help you identify when to get help or not. 

    Migraine with aura is one of the classic migraines with visual changes. Other symptoms of this migraine are seeing flashes of light, blind spots, zig zags within your vision. If this is something you may experience, it is necessary not to ignore it. This type of migraine has been known to increase the risk of stroke, especially in individuals under the age of 55. These symptoms could also result from a retinal tear, so it’s important to reach out to your doctor if you have these symptoms. 

    Visual Changes

    The next symptom you should never ignore is visual changes. Visual changes could be a seizure you are experiencing and are often documented together. Individuals who experience migraines are much more likely to have seizures, whereas seizures can also trigger a migraine. 

    Research has concluded that migraine with aura or vision changes occurs due to electrical changes in the brain. These electrical patterns can include spreading depression; however, migraines with aura increase neurological symptoms. Seizures that are triggered as a result of migraines usually occur with an aura. 

    Slurred Speech

    Another symptom of migraine you should not ignore is slurred speech. If you are trying to speak and keep jumbling your words or someone is having difficulty understanding what you are saying, this could result from a migraine with aura, and it should not be ignored. Sometimes the slurred speech may occur with body weakness and numbness. 

    Know a Migraine Pain

    Those who suffer from migraines may not distinguish a sudden severe headache compared to a migraine. Sudden severe headaches are not your typical migraine, and these headaches usually occur at a severity level minutes within the onset. These migraines are not common and could be caused by a life-threatening condition such as stroke, meningitis, or bleeding in the brain. These sudden headaches need to be treated immediately and not ignored. 

    Stiff Neck with Fever

    Migraines with a stiff neck and a fever can be concerning. This may appear like a normal migraine system. However, this is a much more dangerous symptom. A migraine with fever and a stiff neck could be a sign of meningitis. Meningitis symptoms include stiff neck, fever, headache, light sensitivity, and nausea. It may be tempting to lie down and let it run its course, but these symptoms are dangerous and require emergency medical care. 

    Migraine Side Effects

    Migraines can bring us down and prevent us from doing the activities we would like to do. Migraine with weakness or paralysis is called hemiplegic migraines and is cause for concern. This disorder is not common and usually occurs with an aura migraine. This migraine can result in having a stroke and should be treated immediately.

    Migraines can be debilitating, and it’s important to abort the migraine as soon as you start to have symptoms. If you are looking for ways to treat your migraine symptoms, visiting a chiropractor could reduce the symptoms. Some chiropractors will use the Gonstead chiropractic method

    The method is a result of extensive clinical research by Clarence S. Gonstead. With these methods, they take five steps to assess the patient. The visualization method looks for certain changes that could indicate any problems. They will use a Nervoscope to detect any uneven changes in the spine; this can mean inflammation or nerve pressure. Static palpation is feeling your spine for swelling, tenderness, or any other abnormal textures. Motion palpation is feeling the spine at various angles. This enables the chiropractor to see how easy each segment can move in the spine. Finally, an x-ray analysis is when the doctor orders x-rays to check for changes in the spinal column. These methods can help the doctor better treat the patient and help align the body for better migraine control.