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Some Potential Reasons to See an OBGYN

    Everyone is getting busier each day, and as a result, making an appointment with a doctor may seem like a real hassle. However, for you to be able to work and accomplish anything in your life, you have to stay healthy, and therefore, scheduling appointments with your doctor is a must. For women, they have to stay in touch with reliable OBGYNs in addition to their primary healthcare physicians. OBGYN are doctors that specialize in female reproductive health. An example of a reliable OBGYN in Lafayette, LA, is Dr. Patricia Nevils, MD of Vibrant Woman Health Center. Below are some of the reasons why you should schedule an appointment with a women’s healthcare professional.

    Birth Control

    Although most women would like to have a child at some point in their life, it is not always the right time for them. Therefore, if you are sexually active, but you do not want to get pregnant in the near future, then it is wise for you to use birth control. Your OBGYN will get you a birth control method that is effective and safe for you, depending on your situation.


    Most women can tell when something is not right with their reproductive system, even in a situation where there is no pain. For instance, although it is quite normal to have a discharge, a discharge with a foul odor or a strange color should raise a red flag. Some kinds of infections can go away with antibiotics, but it is always wise to avoid self-diagnosis. Visit your OBGYN when you feel that something is not right.


    If you have been trying to get pregnant and you have finally tested positive for pregnancy, congratulations! However, you need to see your OBGYN as soon as possible. This is because you need a women’s health specialist to monitor your pregnancy and get you started on nutrients and vitamins necessary for you to carry a healthy baby to term.


    A consistent throbbing pain around the pelvic area is a sign that something is not right. Therefore, if you are having pain that is not associated with menstruation, you should visit your OBGYN for diagnosis and treatment.


    You do not have to be ill to visit an OBGYN. If your goal is to stay healthy, you can schedule annual reproductive health checkups with your OBGYN just to make sure that everything in the system is healthy. This will ensure that any emerging reproductive health issues are tackled promptly.


    If you have unsuccessfully been trying to get pregnant for one or more years, then it is imperative for you to see your OBGYN. A reliable OBGYN will do the necessary tests and scans to determine what the problem could be. He or she will then recommend the right thing for you to do in order to get pregnant.

    The Takeaway

    Overall, it is apparent that if you are a woman, then the services of a female reproductive health specialist are incredibly essential. From your teenage years to old age, you need to be in a good relationship with a qualified OBGYN to stay healthy.