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Switch to No-Sugar Diet for Weight Loss Goal

    Sugar is probably one of the most addictive things you can put in your body. While a tablespoon of sugar contains only 16 calories, its daily intake increases as it’s present in almost anything we eat throughout our day. And when you consume more calories than you can burn, you gain weight. Check out nutrimonium reviews.

    An average adult consumes about 82 grams of sugar every day, which roughly translates to 66 pounds of sugar in a year. The American Heart Association recommends 25 grams and 36 grams of sugar for men and women respectively. And you won’t believe this. A can of your favourite cola contains more than this recommended amount. 

    Perhaps one of the most common pieces of advice you’ll get when you start your weight loss journey is to cut back on sugar intake. Not only does it increase your weight, but it also increases the risk of diseases. While natural sugars found in fruits in a part of a balanced diet, the problem is the sugar that’s present in canned, packaged, and processed foods. These foods are not only high in calories but don’t offer any nutritional value. Learn more about herbalife vs isagenix here.

    Your weight loss regime is also dependent on the type of carbohydrate you eat. Rice doesn’t have any added sugar, but it quickly turns into glucose and mimics the effects of sugar. Similarly, diets high in refined fibre also increase weight. Refined grains don’t have any fibre content and thus, take a shorter time to digest. As a result, you feel hungry and you have the urge to eat more. 

    For those who think they might reduce sugar intake by consuming artificial sweeteners, don’t be fooled. Consuming artificially sweetened beverages also increases the likelihood of putting on weight. 

    How to Cut Sugar From Your Diet

    Avoid Packaged Foods

    One of the most effective ways to reduce your sugar intake is to stop eating processed and packaged foods. Substitute the candies, granola bars and cake with fruits, salads, whole grains, and nuts. Green leafy vegetables are packed with nutrients and don’t have any impact on blood sugar levels. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids that are vital for a healthy heart and brain. 

    Read Nutritional Labels

    Don’t let foods with added sugars dupe you into thinking they’re sugar-free. It’s important to check what are you eating. And that’s easier said than done. There are more than 50 names of sugar and when you’re checking the ingredient list, you may not even see the word sugar. But ingredients such as corn syrup, brown syrup and HFCS should be avoided as they are a type of sugar.  

    Substitute Sugary Beverages for Water

    Beverages are the #1 source of sugars in the adult diet. And substituting them with water is not going to be easy. But when you do, you’ll start seeing noticeable differences in your appearance and weight loss. 

    Drinking a glass of water before every meal limits the amount of food you eat, thus reducing your calorie intake. I use water from my water filter as it has a pleasant taste and is free from any impurities. It is also important to limit the amount of fruit juice in a day and count it as a part of your sugar consumption.  

    Making dietary changes coupled with workout sessions create a healthy lifestyle that is essential to weight loss. It is important to remember that no one can nor completely should avoid sugar. Eating it in its natural form is good but refined sugar is definitely bad for your overall health.