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The Real Way to Cure Hair Loss

    Nowadays, hair loss is the most common worldwide problem. About one –third of the whole population is affected by this problem.

    A few falling off hair is natural, so no need to worry about this. But losing up to 100 hairs per day is not natural. There are many causes of hair fall such as medications, pollution, stress, genetics, diet, etc. Wearing a cap, a helmet can also be the cause of hair loss. A list of the best way to cure hair loss is given below:-

    Wash hair regularly with shampoo

    Regular hair washing is an effective way to reduce hair fall. You can use shampoo for hair washing which will help you to reduce the risk of infections, lowering dandruff, and hair breakage.

    Ensure vitamin for hair

    Vitamins are very important for growing up healthy hair. Vitamin helps to produce healthy sebum in the scalp. Vitamin E ensures good blood circulation and B maintains hair’s color. It is one of the best hair loss cure.

    Include more protein in dieting menu

    Eating meats, soy, fish, or other proteins improves healthy hair and decreases hair loss.

    Scalp massage with oils

    Those are facing a hair fall problem must massage the scalp with oils for a few minutes to get rid of this problem. Almond and sesame oil are best for this.

    Avoid brushing hair when it is wet

    If you brush wet hair, it will fall because it’s the weakest condition.  So avoid brushing wet hair and also avoid frequent brushing.



    Use garlic or onion juice

    Rub garlic or onion juice on the scalp, keep it overnight, and finally wash it in the morning. Do it regularly and you will get good results within a week.

    Drink enough water

    Keep yourself hydrated .It is very important for growing healthy hair. To keep yourself hydrated, drink at least five to nine cups of water daily.

    Avoid alcohol and smoking

    Drinking too much alcohol decreases the hair growth. To increase hair growth speed, you must avoid alcohol.

    Smoking cigarettes also block blood flows to the scalp of the hair and decrease the growth speed.

    Regular exercise

    Regular exercise helps to balance hormones that improve hair growth activities. So, you have to do exercise every day for 30 minutes or more.

    Avoid hair dryer

    A hair dryer dries your hair by heating and frequent heating weakens hair proteins. For this hair is broken easily. So you should avoid this type of product.

    Avoid hairstyle with long hair (For men)

    Those are facing the hair fall problem should avoid keeping their hair long. Long hair increases hair loss.

    Keep yourself healthy

    Illness, infection or any other kind of sickness can increase hair fall. Hence, first, take care of your health and understand the causes of hair loss.

    Meet with a hair specialist

    Taking certain medications can be harmful to side-effects. So, consult with a doctor to tell your problems and then take medicine according to the prescription.

    Avoid chemicals

    Chemicals and chemical made hair color can damage your hair’s health. It can make your hairless it is advised to avoid this kind of product.

    Use green tea

    Rubbing green tea into hair can be beneficial for your hair. You need two bags of green tea and one cup of water. Brew green tea in water and make it cool then rub it to your hair. Keep it for about one hour and wash out. Use it regularly to see the result.

    Low-level light therapy

    Those who are facing genetically hair fall problems, low-level light therapy can be the best solution for them.

    It is also helpful for those who are losing their hair for chemotherapy.

    By following this advice, you can cure hair loss.