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Things You Should Know About Varicose Veins

    Have you ever felt the pressure of not having the perfect legs during the summer season? You are in a skirt or shorts, and there are these noticeable, deeply colored veins. Varicose veins can also cause symptoms like achiness, tired legs, and pain. This occurs when veins fail to carry blood adequately from the legs to the heart. If you are experiencing this, book an appointment with El Paso Desert West Vein & Surgery Center and get assistance.

    Below are facts you need to know about varicose veins:

    They are common

    Spider and varicose veins are very common to most people. According to studies, 1 out of 2 people above 50 years of age have this condition, and women are affected more than men.

    They are more than a cosmetic problem.

    People have a misconception that treatment ought to be sought because they are like small jagged lines that are unpleasant to look at. However, they also may affect how you enjoy life. Varicose veins cause swelling and discomfort. They also pose a long-term health risk, including blood clots and deep vein thrombosis.

    What causes them?

    The circulatory system has a vast connection of arteries and capillaries that take blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The veins have the job to return blood to the heart and work against gravity. Thus, if any of the veins are damaged, blood flows backward and pools in the vessel. Factors that can weaken the veins include age, obesity, hormones, and genes.

    Varicose veins do not only occur in the legs.

    Although legs are the most common spot you will find varicose veins, they are not the only ones. Legs are the primary spot because of gravity. Otherwise, you will see varicose veins on the neck and face.

    Changing your lifestyle will help.

    Varicose veins are mainly caused by genetics. However, there are other ways you can decrease the chances. Some include maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, avoiding standing too much, and keeping away from tight clothing around thighs.

    Some may be painless.

    Though the look of varicose veins may not be so appealing, some people may not experience pain. Be sure to see a vein specialist when veins begin to swell or feel tender. If left untreated for long, they may cause more problems.

    They are not the same as spider veins.

    Spider veins are smaller, red, or purple and are harmless. On the other hand, varicose veins are thick and protrude out of your legs. Varicose veins require advanced treatment but spider veins are more common.

    Pregnancy may cause varicose veins.

    The fetus’s weight can exert more amount of pressure on the veins that transport blood from the lower limbs. It also results in the production of excess hormones causing the vein’s smooth muscle to relax. This, in turn, increases their tendency to enlarge. The chances of developing varicose veins for pregnant women also increases with age.  

    Modern and advanced technology has allowed doctors to treat varicose veins with no scars or cutting, ensuring faster recovery. Dr. Kasha specializes in minimally invasive outpatient vein treatment. Book an appointment online today.