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Types Of Schizophrenia And How To Live A Normal Life

    Schizophrenia is among the most disastrous mental conditions that affect a person’s emotions, thoughts, perception of reality, interaction with others, and actions. Someone with this condition has a hard time maintaining connection with clothes and doing their tasks at school or work. Schizophrenia is a lifelong condition without a cure but manageable with treatment and therapies from a treatment center. 

    Types of schizophrenia

    Paranoid Schizophrenia

    Most people have this type of schizophrenia. People with this condition have strong paranoia, delusions, and hear voices. However, the delusions vary according to person. The person also gets an overlying feeling of conspiracy and persecution. Other delusions likely to happen to you include getting irrational mood swings and beginning to feel a sense of unfathomable importance. 

    You can maintain a relatively normal life when having paranoid schizophrenia. However, there’s a possibility of symptoms appearing later in life after you’ve established appropriate social behaviors. And, you can hide these symptoms easily since they don’t have associated physical or outward behavior. People with paranoid schizophrenia sometimes get anxiety leading to nervous twitches, heightened fear, and displeasure. 

    Disorganized schizophrenia

    When having this form of schizophrenia, you get confusing thoughts with disorganized behavior. Although delusions are less prominent, communication becomes incoherent, completing regular activities becomes difficult, and emotional reactions become inappropriate. Also known as hebephrenic schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia gives someone strange responses to emotions. 

    You have to seek treatment from one of the best schizophrenia residential treatment centers when having symptoms including:

    • Unable to display emotion
    • Disrupted speech pattern
    • Derailment
    • distortion of reality

    Catatonic Schizophrenia

    When having catatonic schizophrenia, you experience disturbance in movement. You virtually become immobile and vehemently resist any attempt at motion. Because of lack of motion, people with this condition usually develop unusual body positions or have continuous purposeless motions. Additionally, you’re likely to begin mimicking other people’s movements or words. 

    Other people with catatonic schizophrenia ramble incessantly or become completely mute. People having this condition portray a severe case of mental illness. There’s a likelihood of portraying other symptoms including legs and arms flailing about without reason or making jerky bizarre movements. 

    Residual schizophrenia

    If you have a history of schizophrenia but symptoms are now diminishing, you are said to have residual schizophrenia. However, it doesn’t mean that all the symptoms including disorganized speech, delusions, bizarre behavior, or hallucinations are gone. You might not get any psychotic sessions for years. However, you might be having a functioning lifestyle but still need occasional treatment. 

    Undifferentiated Schizophrenia

    When having undifferentiated schizophrenia, it is so hard to distinguish whether you have any of the other types of the condition. Yet, you clearly suffer from schizophrenia. You’re likely to have pronounced psychotic symptoms that might not match any other category particularly. Schizophrenia keeps on changing and there’s a likelihood of anyone with the other conditions to be diagnosed with undifferentiated schizophrenia at some point. 

    How to live with schizophrenia

    Get someone you can trust

    It is a good idea to have someone you can routinely share your progress with. The person can recommend steps to take so you stay on track during the recovery process. Additionally, this person can also gain insight into the various conditions you have. Whether you’re delusional, paranoid , or have other symptoms. Only another person can tell the condition you’re having. 

    Develop coping skills

    While progressing in recovery, situations can come when getting a professional to help you is hard. During such moments, it is important that you have some coping skills regardless of the mental state you get into. Some coping skills include positive self-talk, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mindful meditation. 

    Stay social

    Maintaining a social life when going through a hard time is very helpful. Relationships are beneficial sources of strength and solace. Your friends will stand by you through the rough moments. Keep in mind that your family is the first line of support. When symptoms come, it is your family and friends that understand what you’re going through. 

    Have a support network

    You need a network for support in whatever you’re going through. The size of your support network doesn’t matter. The first thing to do is to find a therapist before getting other social resources including family, friends, and coworkers. Although it’s not so easy, you can do it with time, effort, and patience. Alternatively, you should also get a hobby, join a community, or take fun classes to meet new people. 

    Visit a treatment center 

    The best way to live a normal life with schizophrenia is to visit a treatment center. Here, you will find professionals who will give you all the support you need. Additionally, the professionals will recommend whether you need residential or outpatient support. The most important part of going to a treatment center is to get personalized treatment to match your particular needs. 

    There’s still life after getting diagnosed with schizophrenia. After understanding the type of condition you’re having, you need to seek professional assistance and learn some coping skills to live like everyone else.