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Varicose Veins knowledge for you

    Veins are components associated with the blood circulatory system. Veins contain valves that prevent deoxygenated blood from flowing back to the tissues. When these valves are damaged, they cause backflow of the blood leading to varicose veins disorder. Damaged veins appear as black or green veins on the surface of your legs. Excessive pressure on your legs, high blood pressure, and being overweight are factors that lead to varicose veins. Jacob Rinker MD, FACS is a specialized doctor who treats and manages varicose veins. Below are the major causes of varicose veins.

    The major causes of varicose veins

    Damaged and weak valves lead to varicose veins. Veins are designed to carry blood back to the heart for oxygenation. Once vein valves are damaged, they lose their ability to prevent the blood from flowing back to the tissues. Blood in your legs stagnates in the veins causing varicose veins. However, there are other factors that promote the occurrence of varicose veins. These factors mostly occur to women than men. According to health organizations, these factors include;

    •   Pregnancy. Pregnant women are affected by varicose veins more than normal women. Pregnancy increases the volume of the blood in the veins and arteries. High blood volume increases pressure, thus damaging valves. Pregnancy also increases pressure in your feet, which may lead to the stressing of tiny veins. The hormonal change caused by pregnancy may also admit to the occurrence of varicose veins disorder.
    •   Age. Aged people are affected by varicose veins more than young people. As you age, your body components undergo wear and tear. Valves are some of the body components that wear and tears during ageing. Weak valves are not capable of holding the blood, thus making the blood stagnate in the veins. The veins grow bigger with time as the blood level increases.
    •   Obesity and overweight. Being overweight and obese increases pressure on your legs. This pressure may damage your valves leading to varicose veins.
    •   Sex. According to health research, females are mostly affected by varicose veins more than males. Females undergo hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menstruation cycle, depression, and anxiety. These conditions in women change the normal flow of blood, thus increasing pressure leading to varicose veins. Obesity and overweight are commonly found in women more than in men. Being overweight or obese adds extra pressure to your feet, thus damaging valves in veins.
    •   Genetic influence. You are likely to have varicose veins disorder if your closest family members have the same problem. Varicose veins are brought by genetic inheritance among the family members.

    The main treatment methods of varicose veins

    There are many ways of treating and managing varicose veins. Massaging your affected area with warm water, medication, and surgery are the main treatment methods. Medication may be prescribed to you to relieve pain and others for veins to repay. Surgery is done to remove the damaged veins.

    Varicose veins appear as black or green threads on the surface of your legs. This disorder affects females more than men. Damaged or weak valves cause varicose veins. Factors like age, diseases, and sex promote the occurrence of varicose veins. It is vital to consult a doctor’s attention for treatment and management of varicose veins before they persist.