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What is a Cardiologist and When to See One?

    Your heart is one of the most important parts of your body. As it beats more than 100,000 times a day, we need to take care of it. However, when it comes to seeing a cardiologist, many people fail to find the right reason.

    According to many surveys, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death. So, why not take care of it from the beginning? That is why we are here to help you out. Here, we are sharing the top signs it’s time to see a cardiologist. Make sure you are reading them carefully before contacting a cardiologist. 

    What is a Cardiologist?

    Before we dig further, you must know the basics of a cardiologist and why you should see one. In simple words, a cardiologist is a medical doctor who treats cardiovascular system diseases. It includes several conditions such as heart attack, coronary artery disease, heart infections, and heart rhythm disorders. It takes more than 10 years of medical training to become a cardiologist. 

    Top Signs You Should See a Cardiologist

    Now, you know who a cardiologist is. Well, there are several reasons to visit a cardiologist’s clinic. In the following, we are sharing the top ten signs you should see a cardiologist:

    1. You Are Experiencing Chest Pain

    Chest pain falls among one of the biggest signs of heart disease. While there are different types of chest pain, you need to check if you have chest pressure. It might be the cause of not getting enough blood. On the other hand, chest pain also can be a sign of a heart attack. 

    2. High Blood Pressure

    Whenever someone turns 20, they need to check blood pressure regularly. You see, if you have high blood pressure, you need to keep it under control. Because high blood pressure forces the heart to work harder, and as a result, it can increase the chance of stroke or heart attack. 

    3. Family History

    In many cases, heart disease can have a genetic component. If your family has got a history of heart disease, you need to contact a doctor. Make sure you are checking the health chart of your family and ask questions. You can also go to the cardiologist if your family members have high cholesterol and high blood pressure. 

    4. High Cholesterol

    Besides high blood pressure, high cholesterol can be a sign of heart disease. Increased cholesterol needs to be controlled because high cholesterol is one of the strongest signs of having a bad heart condition. You need to contact a cardiologist as soon as possible. 

    5. History of Smoking

    No matter at what age you are smoking, it can increase the chance of getting heart disease. Even though you are not smoking anymore, you can have a bad cardiovascular system. If you have been a smoker, make sure you are getting an appointment with a cardiologist. 

    6. Diabetes

    Diabetes is another crucial sign of getting heart disease. For example, an adult with diabetes has twice the chance of getting a heart attack compared to those adults without diabetes. If you are a diabetic for a long time, make sure you are doing a regular heart check-up. 

    7. Starting a New Exercise Routine

    Majority of people make a common mistake by not contacting a cardiologist while starting a new exercise routine. It can be the cause of heart attack or other related diseases. A cardiologist can check if you have an underlying heart condition that can affect your exercise program. 

    8. You Are a Cancer Patient

    According to many surveys, all cancer patients or survivors can see a cardiologist to have their heart checked. It’s essential as certain cancer treatments can damage a patient’s cardiovascular system. However, these types of cardiac problems don’t impact all cancer patients. Still, it will be good if you are seeing the cardiologist once. 

    9. Gum Disease

    Gum disease can be one of the strongest signs to have heart problems. Well, there is a link between gum health and heart health. In most cases, gum disease can be the cause of heart infection. So, if you are having gum disease, it would be better if you are making an appointment with a cardiologist. 

    10. Foot Swelling

    In most of the cases, peripheral artery disease can be the cause of leg pain or foot swelling. Well, foot swelling can lead to having blood circulation problems. Moreover, it can increase the chance of stroke or heart attack. So, it would be better if you are getting medical attention on time. 


    You see, getting an appointment with a cardiologist is necessary when you have signs of cardiovascular system diseases. We have shared the top signs to see a cardiologist. Make sure you are being careful with these things. For more information, you can contact your doctor.