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What Is an MRI?

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    Many modern technologies help doctors conduct a diagnosis with regards to a medical condition their patients may have. One of these diagnostic modalities is an MRI machine. MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and it’s available in Radiology labs along with other radiation technologies that helps scan the body for any abnormality.

    What Is an MRI?

    An MRI scan uses Magnetic Resonance Imaging to image your body and diagnose if there is a physical reason you may be displaying certain symptoms. Australians can benefit from this non-invasive and painless procedure by visiting a reputable Gold Coast radiology clinic. An MRI machine is massive and uses a powerful magnet to scan your body. These scanners are generally not found in clinics with a lower budget. However, these scanners are some of the strongest pieces of equipment that new medicine has to offer.

    What Is an MRI Scan?

    An MRI scan uses a large magnet, radio waves, and a computer to create a detailed, cross-sectional, 3-D image of your internal organs and structures. 

    The scanner itself involves a large tube that houses a big magnet that works with resonance. The magnet resonates with the H+ ions in your boy to create a perfect image of your internal organs.

    An MRI scan is safer than a CT scan or an X-ray because it doesn’t use any ionizing radiation, leading to mutations. This scan isn’t affordable for everyone, unlike the CT scan and X-rays. However, it does provide a clearer picture than the rest of the imaging modalities.

    What are the Uses of an MRI Scan?

    MRI scans can be used in several ways. They can diagnose things from anomalies of the brain to breast cancer. Some of the other things an MRI can scan are:

    1. Suspected uterine anomalies 

    2. Tumors, cysts, and other anomalies

    3. Breast cancer screening for women 

    4. Certain types of heart problems

    5. Certain joint abnormalities, like back and knee

    6. Evaluation of pelvic pain in women 

    7. Disease of the liver and other abdominal organs

    How Can One Prepare for an MRI?

    An MRI doesn’t require the patient to undertake much preparation. You don’t have to drink a special fluid as you do in a contrast CT scan, and in most cases, you can even eat a little bit of food.

    When you arrive at the clinic, you’ll be asked to change into a hospital gown and remove any metallic articles. This step is important as any metallic article can act as a projectile when brought into a room with a huge magnet. For this reason, MRIs are not recommended for people who have cardiac metal stents or if they have cochlear implants, aneurysm clips, and pacemakers.

    Patients sometimes receive intravenous fluid to make a particular organ clearer in the scan. This fluid is introduced to bring contrast in a scan so that the scan is fruitful.

    Final Thoughts 

    The invention of MRIs has been a great feat in medical technology. However, they are not for everyone as they are expensive and, hence, not accessible. They cannot be used for people who have been fitted with any metallic device in their bodies. Still, MRI technology is useful since it helps produce scans with clear images that can help your doctor diagnose your condition quickly. They are also safer than other modalities as they don’t involve ionizing radiation.