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What Is the Healthiest Kind of Water to Drink?

    We drink it, wash with it, even boil food in it. The human body is about 70% water. Despite how often we use it, there’s still a lot that people don’t know about water!

    For example, did you know there are many different types of water, each offering their own pros and cons?

    Quench your thirst for knowledge! Keep reading to learn all about the different types of drinking water and how they can impact your health.

    Bottled Water

    Before it’s bottled, this water is usually treated by a number of processes, such as:

    • Reverse osmosis
    • UV
    • Ozone
    • Filtration

    Once it’s treated, the water is filled into bottles and sealed. In some cases, companies add calcium and magnesium salts to this water to render it healthy.

    It’s important not to confuse this type of bottled water with mineral water. Mineral water is pulled from the source and contains natural minerals. Some bottled waters, on the other hand, are given calcium and magnesium.

    Then, companies market these waters as healthy mineral water.

    Packaged bottled water differs based on the treatment processes it undergoes before it’s bottled. Manufacturers must also handle and distribute the water hygienically to ensure it’s microbiological safe.

    However, bottled water that’s exposed to too much sunlight can experience harmful chemical reactions. As a result, the people who consume these waters might experience side effects.

    Instead of buying bottled water, you might consider purchasing reusable bottles made of stainless steel or glass. If you do, make sure to install a home water purifier to remove impurities from your tap water.

    Mineral Water

    Mineral water is taken from underground sources. Then, it’s enriched with vital minerals like magnesium and calcium. After treatment, the water is packaged and sold.

    It’s important to note that bottling natural water straight from the source is an expensive process. With that in mind, mineral water is usually more expensive than a normal bottle or tap water.

    The mineral content does provide a few health benefits, though.

    For example, magnesium and calcium are great for your bone health. Mineral water can also improve your digestive system and give your immunity levels a boost!

    Spring or Glacier Water

    As the name suggests, spring and glacier water are sourced directly from springs and glaciers. Since it’s collected straight from the source, this water is usually considered clean of unwanted toxins. However, that often depends on where the water is sourced.

    In some cases, the water could even contain vital, natural minerals.

    If you decide on purchasing these different types of water, make sure to research the brand. Where do they collect their water from? Some brands provide the best drinking water in the world.

    However, choosing the best brands usually means you’re buying the most expensive water available.

    Some companies collect spring and glacier water without testing it. As a result, these waters might contain germ and bacteria. Drinking untested water could make you sick.

    Make sure to determine where your water was sourced from before taking a sip.

    Well Water

    Well water isn’t common in urban areas.

    When it rains, water travels through crevices in the soil before collecting in a well. While crafting a well gives you access to free water, you could leave yourself exposed to health risks.

    In fact, almost 30% of the global population only has access to unsafe drinking water. Drinking contaminated water can transmit diseases like polio, cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid disease.

    The risks depend on where you live. You might want to have the ground tested to determine if the soil has high traces of iron or arsenic. Consuming arsenic could put you at risk of developing toxic metal poisoning.

    If you decide to build a well in your backyard, make sure to treat and purify it using reverse osmosis or UV technology.

    Tap Water

    Every time you run your faucet, tap water splashes through. Tap water is generally sourced from a river or dam. Then, it’s treated at a water treatment facility to minimize impurities.

    Once it’s treated, the water is stored in a reservoir before rushing toward our homes, offices, and restaurants.

    However, tap water doesn’t usually meet the quality level that’s set by government guidelines. Even though it’s treated at a water treatment plant, it still runs through old pipelines. As a result, the water can pick up impurities, rendering it unsafe.

    If a city is prone to flooding, the water likely has more impurities, especially during the summer months.

    With that in mind, consider getting a water purifier for your home. Water purifiers can treat different types of water for impurities. That way, you can provide your family with the safest possible drinking water.

    Hard Water

    Hard water refers to water with high mineral content. Water can collect minerals like bicarbonates, sulfates, and calcium when it travels through limestone. The water could also become hard if it’s over-extracted.

    The extra minerals aren’t necessarily good for your health. In fact, hard water can cause dry skin and full hair, too.

    Distilled Water

    As you explore the different types of water, you might come across the term “distilled.” This reverses to water that was purified using a distillation process.

    The process involves boiling the water until it’s turned into water vapor. Then, the vapor is captured and condensed back into a liquid state. The distillation process helps remove harmful bacteria and contaminants.

    Unfortunately, this type of water isn’t always safe to drink. While the water is stripped of harmful impurities, it’s also stripped of essential minerals and salt. That could make the water harmful when consumed.

    Drinking too much distilled water could cause a mineral deficiency.

    Alkaline Water

    When exploring different kinds of water to choose from, consider alkaline water.

    Alkaline water could help neutralize acid within your body. Some people believe it could event prevent cancer or slow signs of aging. However, more research is needed to confirm these claims. No wonder water ionizers have gained so much attention over the last few years.

    Drink Up: Understanding the Different Types of Water

    Have you quenched your thirst? By understanding the different types of water, you can find the best one for your needs and health goals. Wash up with this guide the next time you stop for water.

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