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What There Is to Know Concerning Dental Implants

    Losing an adult tooth affects your appearance, besides impacting your oral health quality. Therefore, restoring your mouth’s function with effective treatments is most important if you lack a tooth or plenty. For Grand Prairie dental implants, contact the team at IDTC Dental Center LLC to receive the most out of your treatments. Book your appointment today to achieve your aesthetic goals.

    What Are Dental Implants?

    Dental implants refer to artificial roots that aim to hold your replacement teeth in place if you have missing teeth. After surgery, these titanium posts bond to your jaw in a process called osseointegration. After bonding, the exposed portion of your implants connects to dentures, dental crowns, or a dental bridge to secure your replacement teeth.

    Benefits of Dental Implants

    As an alternative to dentures and dental bridges, dental implants offer several advantages, including:

    ·       Improved Self Esteem

    Dental implants hold your replacement teeth in position so they will not shift in your mouth, unlike dentures. They allow you the confidence to laugh, smile, or speak, without feeling like you are wearing artificial teeth.

    ·       Easier Speaking and Eating

    Since they bond to your jaw, dental implants eradicate most of the complications that arise from dentures. They do not slide on your gums or increase your production of saliva. Hence, you can eat the foods you enjoy and speak clearly.

    ·       Durability

    Dental bridges and implants generally last between 5-15 years before replacement is necessary. On the other hand, dental implants last for at least 25 years and more.

    ·       Better Oral Health

    Dental implants do not demand any special care. You can brush and floss your teeth normally to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

    ·       Prevents Bone Resorption

    Without a tooth, the supporting bone resorbs back into your body with time. Due to this effect, your facial structure may be altered. A sunken facial format may appear even with a single missing tooth, making you appear older than you are. Dental implants prevent resorption by keeping the bone intact.

    Placement of Dental Implants

    Dental implants require weeks of planning before treatment. At IDTC Dental Center LLC, your team begins by determining whether you have enough bone in your jaw to support implants. If you lack enough jawbone to support implants, you may need a bone graft before your surgery.

    When you visit your implant offices, your providers administer anesthesia to eradicate discomfort during the procedure. Afterward, your specialist makes a small incision in your gums and inserts the implant. It lasts about 6-12 weeks for your implants to osseointegrate.

    In the next step of your dental implant procedure, a custom-made replacement of your teeth is created. On your next appointment, your providers obtain an impression of your mouth. Within 2-4 weeks later, the team connects your new teeth to your implants to give you a fully restored smile.

    Bottom Line

    Even with missing adult teeth, you can still look as good as you feel with modern medical inventions. Dental implants are your best alternative to fully restore your natural teeth’ look, feel, and function. Contact IDTC Dental Center LLC for effective, customized treatments. Call the facility or schedule your appointment online today.