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What You Need to Know About Neck Lift Surgery

    A neck lift, sometimes called a platysmaplasty, is a surgical procedure that tightens the loose skin around the neck. This surgery will provide individuals with a smooth and firmer appearance. The surgery may also boost one’s self-confidence since those who go through it will appear much younger than they actually are. 


    There are valid reasons that may lead an individual to undergo this kind of surgery. Saggy skin, loose skin on the neck, older appearance, and excess fats on the neck are just some of the issues that can warrant a neck lift surgery. If you have a problem with any of the conditions mentioned, this surgery might be able to help you. 

    The Ideal Candidate

    Ideally, people who can undergo this type of surgery must be healthy and don’t have vices such as smoking. They must also be both physically and mentally fit. 


    Old age is the leading cause of saggy skin, although excess skin from losing weight might also be a factor. It’s better if you’re living a healthy lifestyle before you proceed to a neck lift surgery for faster recovery. The surgeon will request a laboratory test for your health status. It’s important to talk and ask for advice from them before the operation.

    Consulting the Best Surgeons

    Getting cosmetic surgery has always been a popular option for a lot of people all over the globe. In 2018, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) conducted research showing that 18 million Americans have undergone a type of cosmetic procedure. 


    Australians, on the other hand, spend approximately $1 billion on cosmetic treatments alone. This is 4% more than what Americans spend per year. 


    With the sheer amount of money spent on cosmetic surgery, many have been keen on researching the procedures beforehand. Google searches such as “cosmetic surgeon near me,” “neck lift Sydney,” and “eyelid surgery” have been continuously on the rise these past few years. 


    Of course, this research includes looking for surgeons who can be entrusted with such delicate procedures. The surgeons who would handle your operation must be board-certified, have extensive experience on neck lift surgeries, and whose aesthetic sense appeals to you.


    When you’ve finally found the one you wish to work with, make sure you’re honest about your current condition. During the consultation, the surgeon may ask you about your medical history, skin type, and your expectations. They will also explain other recommended procedures, possible complications, risk, and even anesthesia.

    Preparation Before the Surgery

    The first thing to remember before you undergo surgery is you need to prepare yourself and ask for advice from the surgeon. The surgeon may ask you not to take any medicines. They may also advise you against bad habits like smoking because these things may affect the speed of your recovery after the surgery. 


    You would also need someone to stay by your side after you came home from the surgery. More importantly, make sure you write and discuss the exact result that you want to achieve. Just be honest with what you want to correct. Also, make sure to talk about any drug allergies to your surgeon to prevent an allergic reaction before, during, and after the surgery.

    About the Procedure

    The procedure would vary and depend on your desired result. It’s important to note that the operation would usually last for two to three hours. It would be beneficial to calm yourself before you go under the knife. Relax and trust your surgeon with the process.


    First, the surgeon will inject the anesthesia to ensure that you’ll be comfortable during surgery. This medication will help ensure that the person cannot feel any pain.


    During surgery, the surgeon will make incisions along the hairline or ear and sometimes under the chin to remove excess fat. After the surgeon removes the skin on the neck, they will begin to clear the excess muscle and adjust the neck tissues. However, in case there’s far too much excess fat, liposuctions are the best tools to transform, contour, and improve. 


    The endoscopic technique is the best option for people who don’t have too much excessive skin. The endoscopic procedure uses a tiny fiber camera that functions with a probe. It will be inserted in the neck via incision so the surgeon can have a view of the area. It can give them better accuracy and details on refining during the procedure.


    After the person undergoes neck lift surgery, the person will feel a bit of neck tightness, swelling, and tenderness. The scar under the chin or on the contour of the ears may leave bruises, but it will heal in a couple of weeks. People who have undergone surgery will recover fast and free from any pain. The person may take pain medication in case of discomfort.


    In order to minimize the irritation during sleep, it is best to keep the head elevated and relaxed. For the sutures, this will fade after seven days after the surgery, and a new contour of the neck will start to become visible. However, if you experience a fever or unusual discharge from the area of the incisions, please contact your surgeon immediately.


    Undergoing a neck lift surgery can boost a person’s confidence, especially if they’re insecure about the excess skin around their neck. However, just like any medical procedure, neck lift surgeries must be done with caution and care. The patient must follow the surgeon’s advice to avoid any future complications.