If you’re like me, you’re always on the lookout for fashion items that are out of the ordinary – fashion items that mean something. I hate the mass produced clothes and footwear I see in high street shops – mainly as I like my garments to have soul. About a year ago, I was out in town to visit the bank, so I wasn’t even out shopping and a colorful pair of what I would later found out were kilim shoes caught my eye in an independent store.
What was unmistakable was this footwear wasn’t what you’d normally expect to see in the US, rather they had their roots in far older lands. The exact origins of the textile known as kilim aren’t 100% known, but it’s believed that it came from somewhere in the region between North Africa and Turkey long, long ago.
A Beautiful Woven Textiles
Kilim has many uses across the world and it’s still manufactured on a wide scale basis by people to protect their houses against the wind and the snow and the beautiful patterned textile on my kilim shoes carries an ancient soul in every stitch.
Kilim itself is woven in patterns that are unique to the wearer – mainly because these products aren’t mass produced in the same way and this means that the chances of you bumping into someone else wearer the exact same shoes is almost nil. Traditionally woven by nomadic people on basic looms, the textile has a spirit all of its own.
Over 8,000 Years of History
When I say that kilim shoes are steeped in history I mean it, as there are records of the fabric as far back as 8,000 years ago and to think that people are still creating in the same way they did in the world as it was in 3000 BC – boggles my mind. Once I noticed these beautiful shoes and found out what kilim was, I started seeing it everywhere on cushions, rugs and wall coverings.
Apparently, in ancient times, the very finest examples of kilim were offered as a dowry in marriage proposals and the same designs that were used then are still being used today. The term itself is believed to mean ‘flat weave’ or something close to that and it involves the same warps, threads and colored threads in modern varieties.
Kilim Shoes – I’m Certain You’ll Love Them Like Me
Of course, everyone has different tastes and preferences when it comes to fashion, but I find it hard to believe that anyone could resist the beauty and feel of garments and shoes that feature kilim.
All I can say is that you should make your decision after you’ve seen them in person. Buy a pair for yourself and I challenge you not to love them every bit as much as I did when you put yours on. Comfortable, stylish and celebrating a rich and proud history, what’s not to love?
They go with pretty much every outfit I have in the closet and they look as good now as they did the day I bought them. It’s your prerogative, but if you do buy a pair of your own, I hope you enjoy wearing yours as much as I do.