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7 Secret Tips To Lose Weight In 2019

    Now that swimsuit season is a few short months away, you might be one of the millions of Americans eager to find a way to shed some unwanted pounds. You’re probably not alone with this goal. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there are over 90 million US adults who are obese or 20 percent over their ideal weight.

    Maybe you’ve tried various tips to lose weight before, just to have it reappear within a short amount of time. It’s a struggle to lose weight and keep it off. The good news is that we’ve collected some advice for you here so you can stop searching and start losing.

    Read further and you’ll learn our secret advice for weight loss in 2019. Follow these seven tips for losing weight, and you too can win the weight loss battle.

    Understanding “Fat”

    In order to reduce those extra, unwanted pounds, it’s key to understand the different categories of fat and how they do or don’t keep us healthy.

    Most people will agree that anyone with an expanding belly may be overweight. The truth is, that some of that “belly-fat” is actually good for you. Some visible fat is considered “healthy” while someone with little visible belly fat, could actually be considered “unhealthy.”

    Fat inside our bodies can be found below our skin’s surface as well as surrounding our internal organs. Fat inside our bodies comes in two different layers. These two layers are called the Subcutaneous and Visceral layers.

    Subcutaneous vs. Visceral Fat Layers

    Your Subcutaneous fat level is a soft, pinchable layer found around your stomach. Subcutaneous tissue layers lie under your skin and protect your bones and muscles whenever you fall or your body hits another object. This fat layer also allows nerves and blood vessels to move across the muscles to the skin’s dermis level.

    The hard layer that lies inside your abdomen is called Visceral fat. This layer surrounds your internal organs like your heart, liver, and intestines.

    Visceral fat generates inflammatory substances called Cytokines which will injure your organs. High levels of Visceral fat contribute to a variety of health problems like hypertension and glucose intolerance.

    It’s very common that people have large quantities of fat surrounding their internal organs that we obviously don’t see. These people are called “skinny fat.”

    “Skinny fat” means someone who looks trim on the outside. But they have high quantities of hard fat on their inside. These people are vulnerable to the similar health concerns as people who are overweight.

    Visceral fat can be difficult to see. Many times you’ll find it in the tissue layer under your abs and muscles. The most optimal way to find out about any hard fat levels you might have is by seeing your physician.

    Your doctor can use equipment like magnetic imaging to see a detailed picture of fat tissues. They can also use CT or CAT scan to generate a cross-sectional image of the body to distinguish fat tissue layers. A caliper tool can also measure fat layers under a muscle is not considered accurate.

    You can try your own unofficial test with a tape measure. Start by measuring your waistline level with your mid range or belly button, above the hips. Around thirty-seven inches or more for adult females and approximately 43 inches for adult males is a likely sign of too much Visceral fat.

    Tips to Lose Weight

    It’s important to know that you can reduce both Visceral and Subcutaneous fat levels at the same time. People with lots of belly fat are diagnosed with high hard belly or Visceral fat.

    You can lose Visceral belly fat even faster than Subcutaneous fat when you diet and exercise. Consider these seven tips for exercise, eating and lifestyle changes that diminish your hard belly fat and help you look your best.

    Eating Habits

    1. Eliminate all processed or pre-packaged food from your daily menu. Eat only real food high in protein and fiber and low in carbs to boost the energy amounts you’ll need to digest food. You can learn more here about the latest breakthroughs in medicine on ways to plan and control your eating portions.
    2. Don’t cut breakfast. It might sound reasonable to cut back on eating to shed belly fat. The truth is, your brain requires those early morning nutrients and protein sources to stay focused and steady throughout your day.


    1. Do your best to stay hydrated. Drink eight glasses or two liters of water all day long.
    2. Include green tea in your daily diet. This drink is filled with Catechins. Catechins can boost your metabolism as well as help your organs burn off fat.


    1. Don’t exercise on an empty stomach. When you have no fuel in your body, you run the risk of lowering your blood sugar. As a result, you won’t have enough energy or strength to execute your repetitions.
    2. Adopt a total body training regime that includes cardio and strength building exercises. Exercise 30 minutes a day, five times a week. You can also add natural bodybuilding supplements to your meals to help build muscle tone quickly.

    Lifestyle Changes

    1. Do your best to control your stress levels at work or at home. When we face stressful “fight or flight” situations, our brains release the stress hormone, Cortisol which increases our insulin levels. Our blood sugar drops and the sugary food cravings are soon to follow.

    Next Steps

    Are you ready to try these tips to lose weight and say “bye-bye” to those unwanted pounds? The good news is you can begin now!

    Talk to your doctor and craft a weight loss plan that’s right for you. Ask them for their advice on healthy eating habits and water intake.

    You can also check out our website for more weight loss tools and tips for losing weight. We’re here and ready to help you feel your best.