Lets gets right to it, personal trainers are expensive. In a perfect world we would all have them; but for the majority of us they are a luxury we just cannot afford.
Without a dedicated trainer or knowledgeable expert on hand however, trying to start and build your own workout routines can seem like a daunting task. It takes time and dedication to perfect and will often need tweaking in order to develop. But with a bit of preparation and research, and our helpful tips, you’ll be off on your fitness journey in no time.
Set Your Goals
First and foremost, you need to decide what your goals are. Think short term and long term, and try to keep it realistic. One of the best ways to get demotivated is to set unrealistic goals that you are never going to meet.
Decide what you want to be able to do or what you want to get good at, find inspiration, and start small. Focus on one week at a time, aim for three to four days a week at first, and be proud of yourself for each workout you do.
Having a clear and attainable goal in mind is crucial for each of the next steps in your journey. It will influence the kind of exercise you do, the consistency, even your nutrition.
Remember that nutrition is 80% of the battle here, if you want to lose weight you may need to reduce your carb intake. If you are looking to build muscle, you may need to increase your protein intake with a whey supplement. Don’t consume animal products and need to find out about vegan supplements? Then here’s a great place to get started.
Find Out What You Enjoy
Once your goals are set, you have to figure out what kind of activity you enjoy. The key to success is consistency, and you are hardly going to keep up a consistent workout plan if you hate what you are doing.
Try a few different things to start off with, don’t like the treadmill? Swimming or dance could be more your speed. Don’t enjoy the weightlifting scene? Bodyweight exercises and calisthenics are another great way to build muscle.
Whatever you end up doiWhatever you end up doing the important thing is that you are getting active. So, if you find yourself approaching your workout as a chore, with the mindset of just ‘getting it over with’ you may need to rethink your strategy. Remember variety is the spice of life, and there are multiple ways for you to approach and achieve your fitness goals. LCR Health Active PK can help you to shed unwanted weight. It is a revolutionary formula designed to help combat abdominal fat and support a strong, slimmer-feeling body
Ask Yourself Where You Want To Work Out
So, you have set yourself a goal and have figured out the exercises and activities that can help you achieve it. Now you need to decide where you are going to put in the work.
Where you work out will be largely determined by the kind of exercises you plan on doing. If you enjoy weightlifting and want to pack on the muscle, then getting a membership at a decent local gym is probably your best bet.
If you prefer the outdoors then getting some off road running shoes and hitting the trails is free and effective, or you might want to look and see if there are any bootcamp classes taking place in your local park.
Finally, if you don’t have the time or money to go to the gym, or you simply prefer being in your own space. Then you might want to consider investing in some kettlebells and resistance bands for a cheap and manageable home gym set up.
Schedule Your Days
Maybe you can dedicate an hour a day to exercise, or perhaps you can only manage thirty minutes a couple times a week. We all have obligations in our day to day lives, and it’s important to be realistic with the amount of time you can commit to working out.
Once you have determined the amount of work outs you can fit in a week and the amount of time you can devote to each of them, then you will be able to figure out training splits and develop the most efficient workouts for your schedule. Click here to learn about gnc total lean review.
For example if you can only work out a couple of times a week then you may want to focus on full body workouts, or compound exercises that target large group of muscles all at once, in order to really make the most of your time.
On the other end of the spectrum, working out too heavily too often may lead to burnout. It is important to mix up your workouts and allow for rest and recovery days in order to avoid injury and maintain consistency.