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How to Take Care of Your Teeth

    Caring for your teeth is an essential personal health responsibility. Oral health problems are common and potentially severe if not handled properly. Experts reveal that oral health connects to the well-being of other parts of the body, meaning that if you fail to take good care of your teeth, it can affect your overall health.  

    Poor oral health can result in tooth loss, severe pain, and low self-esteem. To prevent this, you have to maintain good oral hygiene.

    Proven Ways to Care for Your Teeth

    Brush Twice a Day

    Brushing twice a day is the most common tooth care tip. However, many people tend to take it for granted. Brushing twice a day, in the morning and at night, helps rid your teeth and gums of food particles and plaque. Leaving them in your mouth long can lead to tooth decay, cavity, and other oral health issues.

    Avoid a hard-bristled toothbrush, as it can injure the gums and tooth enamel. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Also, do not have a brush with too much force.

    Here are some tips by Medical News Today on how to brush:

    ● Brush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line.

    ● Use gentle back, forth, and small circular motions. Avoid a sawing or scrubbing motion.

    ● Always remember to brush the tongue.

    ● Desist from eating for thirty minutes after brushing.

    ● Replace toothbrush at least every three months. It is advisable to get a new toothbrush after an illness.

    Whiten Your Teeth If Necessary

    Teeth whitening is an oral care procedure to consider if you don’t feel good about your teeth look. In this case, it’s more about maintaining healthy self-esteem. People with teeth that are not white tend to struggle with self-image. Even if you don’t feel wrong about your teeth’ color, you can make them look better and attractive with a teeth whitening product.

    Use Products that Contain Fluoride

    Fluoride is an element incorporated in oral care products like toothpaste and mouthwash. Experts believe that using products containing fluoride prevents cavities. Some reports show that brushing and flossing without using fluoride do not prevent people from developing cavities. Many prominent health organizations, including the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommend fluoride.

    Use Braces

    If your teeth are not well aligned, use Invisalign Clear Braces to get your dream smile. Braces are used for cosmetic purposes to realign the teeth. Just like teeth whitening products, braces can boost your self-esteem.

    Avoid Smoking

    Smoking is a risk factor for gum disease. Smoking weakens the body’s immune system, making it challenging to combat illness and heal tissues. According to the ADA, people who smoke go through slow healing after a dental procedure. It also changes the appearance of the mouth (teeth and tongue) and can cause bad breath.

    Do Dental Checkups Regularly

    Regularly seeing a dentist is instrumental to keeping healthy teeth. Experts recommend that people should do a dental checkup every six months. During a routine checkup, they examine the mouth for cavities, mouth cancer, and other problems. Checkups also provide the opportunity to have a hygienist clean and rid your mouth of plaque and particles from between the teeth.

    You can always see a dentist when the need arises. Even though people should go for checkups every six months, this is not a one-size-fits-all rule. The frequency of checkups is affected by several factors, such as age and medical conditions.

    Floss at Least Once a Day

    Flossing should be regular. It removes plaque and bacteria from between the teeth and on the gums. In addition, flossing prevents lousy breath by getting rid of particles trapped within the teeth.

    Use a Mouthwash

    Mouthwashes help take care of teeth. They help control bacterial growth, bad breath, and other dental problems. Speak with your dentist to know the best mouthwash for you.

    Control the Intake of Sugary Foods and Drinks

    For better oral care, you have to limit the intake of sugary foods and drinks. Sugar can cause cavities. WHO recommends a reduction in sugar intake to below 10% of their daily calories. Acid-producing bacteria feed on sugar within the teeth, thereby producing acid content capable of causing tooth decay. If this continues, your teeth will develop caries and you might need to get dental implants in Sacramento to replace them due to severe damage.


    You have learned how to care for your teeth to avoid oral health problems. The right approach is to take one step at a time. Start with brushing twice a day following the brushing tips. From there, you can start adopting other oral care best practices.