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How Much Whey Protein per Day Is Too Much? What Are the Benefits?

    Are you unsure about how much protein in a shake you need per day? How much whey protein per day should you take?

    In 2019, an estimated 20% of Americans go to a gym, health, or fitness club. However, the pandemic changed that. Now, everyone is doing their exercises at home via online classes and tutorials.

    Because of the pandemic, adults have more time to focus on and go through with their fitness goals. That includes buying the essentials they need for it, like whey protein. Below, we’ve got a guide that will help you know if you’re ingesting too much or too little whey protein. Check out multipower whey protein review.

    1. What Is Whey Protein and How Does It Help You?

    Protein powder or whey protein is a nutritional supplement that comes from whey. It breaks away from milk during cheese production. This is also a form of complete, high-quality protein, which has essential amino acids. 

    If you’ve researched how to grow muscle mass, you already know that you need high-protein foods. Coupled with strength training, you can grow muscle mass and lose weight. The macronutrient protein also makes enzymes and hormones.

    There are different types of whey protein, such as concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate. Whey protein concentrate is the most popular type, but they each have their pros and cons.

    If you look at the protein powder market, you’ll also find that there are a variety of protein powder types. You can also find casein protein, soy protein, egg protein, and mixed plant protein. Whey is the most popular and common because it’s a water-soluble milk protein. Check out ideal protein alternative.

    How Protein Powder Works

    Because it’s made of powder, you ingest whey protein by creating a protein shake. Before that, you need to calculate your nutritional needs first. This way, you know how much protein you need and avoid consuming too much.

    Most people drink protein shakes in the morning. Others do it before, during, or after they go to the gym. As a supplement, whey protein works by giving you nutrients that you’re not getting from your food.

    Supplementary protein helps you build muscles, amp up your workout, and recover from an injury. You can also get your daily protein needs from whey protein. Vegans consume protein mix as an alternative to eating meat and dairy foods. Check candisol for more info.

    1. Benefits of Whey Protein

    The common perception of whey protein is that it’s a muscle builder. Indeed, drinking protein shakes can fuel your workouts and help you build muscle. It’s why many athletes and bodybuilders recommend and promote protein powders.

    Other than being a source of high-quality protein, whey protein can also lower high blood pressure. Hypertension or high blood pressure puts you at risk of heart disease and stroke. One in two adults in the US has hypertension, according to the CDC.  

    Whey protein has ACE-inhibitors. They help decrease high blood pressure in your body. Whey protein can also help moderate blood sugar and type 2 diabetes.

    Your body needs more protein to recover from injury. Athletes who have sports injuries can heal faster if they consume protein mix. Protein can ease soreness, speed up recovery, and help repair torn muscles.

    This is important for those who are planning to adopt a vegan lifestyle. As we mentioned earlier, protein powder is a good alternative to eating meat and dairy. You can avoid eating meat, but remember that your body needs protein to stay healthy.  

    1. How Much Whey Protein Per Day Do You Need?

    Now, let’s discuss the answer to the question of how much whey protein per day is enough. Before that, let’s take a look at how much protein you need in a day. Look for the Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein intake.

    For women, that’s 46 grams per day. For men, it’s 56 grams per day. It means you need to figure out how much protein you consume from your food and your protein shakes.

    Also, note that your daily protein need differs by your activity level. Athletes and other people who are more active need more protein than those who do moderate activities. If you are sedentary or do little activity, you may not need whey protein, unless you’re a vegan.

    1. What Happens If You Consume Too Much Protein

    Like everything else, consuming too much or too little of something is bad. Excessive protein consumption can cause serious health risks, be it powdered or otherwise. It can cause serious damage to your kidneys and liver.

    Overconsumption of protein can give you cardiovascular disease and blood vessel disorders. It can also cause you to gain weight rather than lose it. Remember, some protein powders may have high levels of added sugar and calories. 

    Your body also has a bone and calcium balance. If you drink too much protein shake, you also risk tipping that balance. 

    What to Do to Get the Right Amount of Daily Protein

    There are several ways to identify how much protein you need per day. One of them is to check your protein from your total calorie consumption. Track your daily calorie consumption by using a calorie calculator.

    Next, multiply that total number by 10% and 35%. Your protein intake needs to be between 10-35% of your total calorie consumption. If you consume 2,000 calories every day, you’ll need 200-700 calories each day from protein.

    Another approach to that is to target a specific amount of protein grams per day. Keep in mind that every gram of protein contains four calories. Use the method to calculate your calorie consumption and divide the numbers you get by four. Our example 200-700 calories per day translates to 50-175 grams of protein.

    1. Tips for Buying and Consuming Whey Protein

    Before you start shopping for the best tasting protein powder, do your research first. Find out what the best type of whey protein and/or protein powder is. You can find many articles online about buying protein powder. 

    Enter queries like “what is the best whey protein isolate powder?” It also helps if you can talk to a nutritionist first. Keep in mind that what you find online isn’t always reliable.

    Get Your Daily Protein Needs

    That ends our guide on protein powder and how much whey protein per day is enough. Don’t hesitate to go back to this guide to properly plan your meals and workout routines. This can help you stay fit and healthy whether you’re trying to lose weight or build muscles.

    Did you enjoy reading this guide? Don’t stop here because we’ve got an extensive library of informative content for you! If you want to learn more about the truth about protein powder, check out our other posts right here, today!